Archive for 'Uncategorized'
A deeper look at Mem and Si – Esperanto words for self part 2 Posted by Tomaso on Feb 19, 2018
In January, we took a look at mem and si – two words that are often misused. This month, by request, we take a closer look at some trickier cases. Me and my big mouth At the end of last month’s blog post I quipped that we could probably do an entire post on the use…
Plants and Animal Names in Esperanto Posted by Tomaso on Sep 11, 2017
Lions and Tigers and Bears Esperanto is an international language. That means it’s usually pretty easy to talk about concepts that are basically international. Anywhere you go, it’s safe to assume that people will be familiar with certain plants and animals, so we really don’t hesitate over words for animals like leono (lion), tigro (tiger)…
Esperanto fun with Etymology Posted by Tomaso on May 8, 2017
Etymology is the study of word origins. Looking at where words come from can help us learn Esperanto, and learning Esperanto can help us understand where words come from. By special request, we’re going to be looking at some word origins. This will help you pick up some Esperanto vocabulary. It will also help you…
New Esperanto Blogger // Nova Blogisto Posted by Tomaso on Apr 18, 2017
Learn Esperanto with Tomaso Saluton. Mia nomo estas Tomaso. Hi, I’m Tomaso, and I’m taking over the Transparent Language Esperanto blog. I want you to be the best Esperanto speaker you can be, and that’s what this blog is going to be about. Each month, we’re going to have new posts to help you understand…
Kick start these Esperanto projects Posted by Chuck Smith on Nov 3, 2016
Today Chuck Smith is joining us again as a guest blogger to let you know about two great Kickstarter app projects, which are related to Esperanto: Amikumu and Space Polyglot. Amikumu will be a way to find Esperanto speakers nearby, but that’s very simplistic, because it will actually be a way to find speakers of…
Esperanto Visual Culture? Posted by Leks on Jan 29, 2016
Back when I was being taught Spanish in high school, I remember that one of the major topics in our curriculum was a discussion of famous master painters from Spain. My teachers steeped me in the works of El Greco, Velázquez, Goya, Picasso, and others. And while I loved seeing all those beautiful, intricate canvases…
Nominations for potential Esperanto holidays? Posted by Leks on Jan 23, 2016
Hello everyone! Let me wish you a heavily belated Happy New Year! Better yet, let me do it in Esperanto: Feliĉan novjaron! What were your decidecoj this year? Have you done a good job sticking to them so far? (My major resolution for 2016 was to learn to cook using tofu at long last –…