French Language Blog

Archive for September, 2020

French Music – Flowers for the soul Posted by on Sep 29, 2020

Vous savez que j’aime la musique (you know that I love music) and I find it to be both a great escape and a great way to practice language skills. But when pop stars go beyond dance beats they can move more than our feet. And in these troubling times we can all use a…

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Le Petit Chaperon Rouge – Little Red Riding Hood Posted by on Sep 25, 2020

Some reading practice of un conte de fée (fairy tale) most of us already know in English, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge. There are some footnotes to help with your comprehension. Bonne lecture!   Il était une fois, au milieu d’une forêt épaisse, une petite maison où habitait une jolie petite fille nommée Petit Chaperon Rouge. Un jour…

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French Culture – Music for the classes Posted by on Sep 22, 2020

Back when I was teaching, I loved to use songs to introduce new vocabulary. At the time, my musical collection was limited to the songs and CDs I owned … and was a little stuck in the 1980’s! Il n’y a pas que les années 80 ! If you’ve been reading my posts for a while…

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French Vocabulary – Here, There, & Everywhere Posted by on Sep 15, 2020

A few weeks ago I linked to a post about the differences between encore and toujours. It got me thinking about other words in French that you can use for things that are frequent. Here, there, & everywhere Partout When something isn’t just happening içi (here) or là-bas (there) but is happening everywhere, then it…

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La Rentrée – pt. 2 Posted by on Sep 11, 2020

Coucou mes amis! Hi friends! La rentrée is upon us and the weather is quickly turning to automne. Il y a deux semaines (two weeks ago), I talked about the differences between le système scolaire français and le système scolaire américain. Vous pouvez le lire ici. (You can read it here.) Aujourd’hui, je voudrais continuer la conversation (today I would…

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French Music – Saying Goodbye to Summer Posted by on Sep 8, 2020

It’s only early September, but here in the northeastern United States, things are already sliding towards fall. It’s time to get back to school, to work, and to say … Au revoir à l’été La Madrague is a charming little chanson française that for years I thought was written for Brigitte Bardot by Serge Gainsbourg ……

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French Culture – Catastrophe Posted by on Sep 1, 2020

The young suedoise (Swede, f.) Greta Thunberg has, over the last few years, reinvigorated a global conversation about the climate and the future of our planet. This week I discovered an interesting French musical group that puts these same concerns to a party beat to remind us that . . . Ensemble on peut faire…

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