Archive for 'Politics'
Stereotypes Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 3, 2022

Prejudice and stereotypes (les préjugés et les stéréotypes) are almost always bad … except when they are the source of a humorous campagne publicitaire from the French financial company Cofidis. This week we look at some pubs that highlight common misconceptions that people make about other people. Don’t judge … A book by it’s cover! In French…
French News Update Current Events Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 19, 2022

In this “between two tours” time, a lot of the news coming out of France is related to the upcoming Presidential run-off scheduled for le dimanche 24 avril. But that’s not the only thing happening! So this week, in addition to a presidential update, we’ll look at the recent holidays and get an update on the…
French at the movies Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 5, 2022

Almost lost in the aftermath of the gilfe that rocked the Oscar’s ceremony il y a dix jours was the amazing performance of the film Coda. The film, a remake of a 2014 French hit, took home the awards for meilleur acteur secondaire, meilleur scénario adapté, and of course meilleur film. La famille Bélier Like its French fore-bearer, Coda…
Miscellaneous March Posted by Tim Hildreth on Mar 15, 2022

After last week’s Pop & Politics, this week were back with a little bit of a miscellaneous March potpourri. We’ve got a little more politics, some vocabulary, and a pronoun debate. Bonne lecture! Sondage The premier tour de l’élection présidentielle 2022 is less than a month away (April 10; with the second tour, if needed, scheduled…
Macron in charge Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jan 4, 2022

Today is le mardi 4 janvier, and as it does every year, January marks the beginning of a new year. Bienvenue à 2022! January this year also marks the start of a new 6 month term for France as the head of the Conseil de l’Union européenne making Emmanuel Macron responsible for the group while…
French Christmas Commercials Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 7, 2021

It’s time to dig into a new batch of commercials! They’re a great (short) way to work your language skills and experience some French culture at the same time. As always, try and watch theses commercials without the subtitles first (and without looking at the translations!) then reveal the text and translation if you need…
Shorts Posted by Tim Hildreth on Nov 23, 2021

The quartier de Gobelins in the heart of the 13th arrondissement on the left bank of the Seine river is not only the historic center of tapestry-making in the capital but the modern day home of the École de l’image where digital artists weave together sounds and images to create beautiful stories and more. École de…