Tag Archives: French music
Its just too nice to work Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 8, 2021

After a few too many weekends pluvieux, I was thrilled to wake up this Saturday to un beau ciel tout bleu et un grand soleil. On a day like that its hard to get anything done because its just too nice to work! Il fait trop beau pour travailler The weather got me thinking about…
A word to the weather wise Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 4, 2021

While my musings tend to turn to France (with occasional detours north of the border!), French is a global language and la Francophonie has a global footprint. This week we’ll look at two examples that remind us of the richness of French in all its global grooviness. A world of language Spoken in une trentaine…
France – Looking Forward Posted by Tim Hildreth on Nov 3, 2020

Last week I promised a change of pace, so while the world continues to grapple with Covid, this week I’ll keep the coverage to a minimum. Someday this global pandémie (pandemic) will be over and we’ll be ready to get back to life. What next? No one quite knows when this will all end, but…
French Vocabulary – Tickets in the drawer Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 13, 2020

I have been incredibly lucky throughout my life to travel. From my first year abroad to business trips and vacations in over 30 countries, I’ve been fortunate to see the world. But now … like so many … I’m stuck at home! Et pour comble … But to add insult to injury, pour la première…
French Music – Flowers for the soul Posted by Tim Hildreth on Sep 29, 2020

Vous savez que j’aime la musique (you know that I love music) and I find it to be both a great escape and a great way to practice language skills. But when pop stars go beyond dance beats they can move more than our feet. And in these troubling times we can all use a…
French Culture – Music for the classes Posted by Tim Hildreth on Sep 22, 2020

Back when I was teaching, I loved to use songs to introduce new vocabulary. At the time, my musical collection was limited to the songs and CDs I owned … and was a little stuck in the 1980’s! Il n’y a pas que les années 80 ! If you’ve been reading my posts for a while…
French Culture – Summer Music Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 11, 2020

August is traditionally vacation time in France et qui dit vacances d’été dit chanson d’été (and summer vacation means summer songs) ! This retro hit from the French group Niagara is the perfect way to embrace your beach love if you can’t get there in person. L’amour à la plage Niagara was part of the soundtrack of…