German Language Blog

German Vocabulary: Drinks Posted by on Mar 8, 2016 in Culture, Food, Language

Guten Tag!

Germany is famous for its food and drink, including Wurst (sausage), Sauerkraut (pickled cabbage) and Bier (beer). German beer is arguably the best in the world (not that I’m biased or anything), and many a friend has joked to me that the only German they know is ‘Ein Bier, bitte’ (‘A beer, please’) – as long as they can order a beer, they say, they’re happy!

But should you want to drink something other than beer in Germany (!), here is a little list of drinks (soft drinks and alcoholic ones) so you can learn to order whatever you want!


Soft drinks & hot drinks

Wasser mit Blubber

Wasser. Foto: tekkebln on under a CC license (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Still water – das Wasser/ das Mineralwasser (mineral water).

Sparkling water – das Sprudelwasser. Also known as Wasser mit Gas. You may be asked, when you order water, ‘Mit oder ohne Gas?’ – ‘With or without gas?’

*TAP WATER. It is not common to ask for tap water in Germany. If you ask for water, you’ll most likely get a bottle and be charged for it. If you want to give it a go, however, the word for tap water is das Leitungswasser.*

Tea – der Tee

Herbal Tea – der Kräutertee

*Coffee –der Kaffee (See bottom of post for more on coffee)

Milk – die Milch

Fruit juice – der Fruchtsaft

Orange juice – der Orangensaft

Apple juice – der Apfelsaft

Coca cola – die Cola (It is more commonly called Cola as opposed to Coke)

Smoothie – der Smoothie, or das Milchmixgetränk (‘milk-mix drink’)

Iced tea – der Eistee

Iced coffee – der Eiskaffee


Alcoholic drinks

Cocktail time

der Cocktail. Foto: 23995582@N03 on under a CC license (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Beer – das Bier

Shandy – das/der Radler

Cider – der Apfelwein

Red wine – der Rotwein

White wine – der Weißwein

Spirit (general) – der Schnaps

Vodka – der Wodka

Whiskey – der Whiskey

Rum – der Rum

Gin – der Gin

Cocktail – der Cocktail/das Mixgetränk (‚mixed drink‘)

As you can see from the last few drinks here, many spirits have the same names in German as they do in English. So, if in doubt, use the English word and you’re more than likely to be understood!



German drinks

Spezis Spire

Spezi – a mix of cola and fanta. Foto: tuxxilla on under a CC license (CC by 2.0)

der Glühwein – Mulled wine, traditionally made and sold at Christmas time in Germany. You will find this drink absolutely everywhere in December!

die Schorle – Spritzer. This German drink involves diluting juice or wine with fizzy water or lemonade. So a diluted apple juice would be called die Apfelschorle, while diluted wine would be called die Weinschorle. Especially popular in summer, this drink can be bought in supermarkets and ordered in most bars/restaurants.

Spezi – Spezi is made by mixing Cola with orange soda – usually Fanta. Spezi is a generic term for the mix of Cola and Fanta, so it comes in different brands. Again, it is sold in supermarkets and most bars/restaurants.

*A note on coffee – Some coffee names in German are different to what you might to be used to in English. Check this post for more information on all things coffee in Germany.*


I hope this helps! Prost!

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About the Author: Constanze

Servus! I'm Constanze and I live in the UK. I'm half English and half German, and have been writing about German language and culture on this blog since 2014. I am also a fitness instructor & personal trainer.


  1. Kathleen Gosz:

    Federwiese ist auch lecher

  2. Kathleen Gosz:

    Federweisser ist auch lecker.

  3. jon green:

    What are the appropriate toasts? My understanding is that they are different for beer, wine, and hard liquor.