Halloween Vocabulary in German Posted by Larissa on Oct 17, 2017 in Culture, Holidays, Traditions
Halloween is just round the corner where everyone gets to dress up and eat their weight in candy. Although Halloween originates from a celtic festival (which is now where Ireland is), Halloween is celebrated all around the world – even in Germany! Here are some keywords to help you get into the Halloween spirit in German.
Trick or Treat
Trick or treat may not be as popular in Germany as it is in America, but there some towns or areas that still take part! In German you would say “Süßes oder Saures” to say “trick or treat”, this literally translates into “sweet or sour”. If you do get a treat then you would get Süßigkeiten or Bonbons (sweets), Lutscher (lollipops), or Schokolade (chocolate).
Carving a pumpkin
Originally the Celts actually carved turnips, but when they went to America they could only find pumpkins so carved them instead! I don’t think I’ve ever actually carved a pumpkin myself (I enjoy eating them too much) but in German a pumpkin is called der Kürbis or plural die Kürbisse. To say that you are carving a pumpkin you would say “Ich schnitze einen Kürbis“.
Halloween Costumes
Here’s a list of costumes translated into German incase you don’t know what to be this year:
das Gespenst/der Geist the ghost (two different words but they both mean ghost)
die Hexe the witch
der Vampir the vampire
die Mumie the mummy
das Skelett the skeleton
der Teufel the devil
And if you don’t want to be too scary here are some other options…
das Einhorn the unicorn
die Prinzessin/der Prinz the princess/the prince
die Fee the fairy
die Katze the cat
die Maus the mouse
Don’t forget to use Schminke (makeup) to complete your look!
Here are a few other keywords that all relate to Halloween:
gruselig spooky
erschreckend/furchterregend scary
die Dunkelheit the darkness
die Kerzen the candles
der Besen the broom
die Dekoration the decoration
die Spinnen the spiders
die Fledermaus/Fledermäuse the bat/bats
die Nacht the night
das Kostüm the costume
What are you doing for Halloween this year? If you’re dressing up, tell me in German what you’ll be in the comments below! If you want to know more about Halloween in Germany, check out this post here.
Happy Halloween!

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Allan Mahnke:
Thanks! This is great. It may help some folks to know that Lutscher comes from a verb that means “suck.” Sometimes we in the US refer to lollipops as suckers.
This gives us a chance to learn a new noun and a verb!
@Allan Mahnke Thanks Allan for your comment! I didn’t know in America you can also call a lollipop a sucker, so I’ve learnt something new too
Great.. Thanks..Leaving Yorkshire tomorrow for a weeks exchange in Hattingen.. My wife and I don’t speak much German but this will be handy !
@Laurence I hope you had a nice time Laurence, glad my post could help!