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Tag Archives: verb

German grammar in use: The conjugation of the verb “kommen” Posted by on Sep 8, 2014

The German verb kommen is an irregular verb. That is, there is a vowel change when you form its past. The common English translation of kommen is “to come” or “to arrive”. But kommen is also used in several phrases. Check out the example sentences below to find out how the verb kommen is used…

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German grammar in use: The conjugation of the verb “machen” Posted by on Sep 1, 2014

The regular German verb machen means “to do” or “to make” in English. But machen is also used in various compounds in German, which have specific English translations. In these specific translations the English verbs “to do” and “to make” need not occur necessarily.   Präsens – Present tense In German the Präsens is used to…

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German grammar in use: The conjugation of the verb “gehen” Posted by on Aug 25, 2014

The German verb gehen has got several English translations. First of all, it means to go, to walk, to leave, and to attend. But gehen is also used in German to say that something works or is feasible. Let’s have a closer look, which meanings gehen can have in the German tenses.   Präsens –…

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The conjugation of the German verb “stehen” Posted by on Aug 18, 2014

The German verb “stehen” is commonly translated into English “to be”, “to stand” or “to suit”. Below you can find its conjugations for the following tenses: –       Präsens – present –       Präteritum – preterit (equals simple past) –       Futur I – future I –       Perfekt – perfect –       Plusaquamperfekt – pluperfect (equals past perfect) –      …

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The conjugation of the German verb “geben” Posted by on Aug 11, 2014

The German verb geben means “to give”, “to hand” or “to pass” in English. But depending on its particular use it also can mean “to issue” or “to provide”. In the following I will give you an overview of the conjugation forms of the verb geben, which you need for forming indicative (statements) and imperative…

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The German verb “kommen” Posted by on Jun 6, 2012

When you get in contact with strangers you would certainly like to find out more about them. Among other things, you would probably like know where a person does come from. In order to ask someone in German where a person is from you need to know the German verb “kommen” (to come). In order…

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Separable Verbs II: Prepositions as prefixes Posted by on Dec 9, 2010

Separable verbs can be separated because they consist of two independent words, that is, they consist of the core verb and a particular prefix. The prefix is always either: a preposition, an adverb or an adjective. In the list below, you can find one example verb for every prepositional prefix. 1. ab- : 2. an-…

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