Greek verbs related to sound Posted by Ourania on Aug 18, 2021 in Vocabulary
Γεια σας. It’s time for a vocabulary extension post so this post is about Greek verbs related to sound. These verbs are not taught to beginners but native speakers use them in daily conversations. The translation of the examples is literal and in some cases the English phrases might seem strange. If you like sounds, you can find more verbs about animal sounds.
#1.Ηχώ: to sound, to ring
Οι καμπάνες ηχούν όλη μέρα. The bells have been ringing all day.
Η φωνή του ήχησε χαρούμενη. His voice sounded happy.
#2.Χτυπάω: to ring
Οι καμπάνες χτυπούν πένθιμα. The bells are ringing mournfully.
Χτυπάει το τηλέφωνο. The telephone is ringing.
#3.Ακούγομαι: to be heard
Μια φωνή ακούστηκε από το βάθος της αίθουσας. A voice was heard from the back of the hall.
Τα λόγια της ακούστηκαν δυνατά και καθαρά. Her words sounded loud and clear.
#4.Θροΐζω: to produce a soft sound like a whisper. This verb is used mostly for leaves and plants.
Ο αέρας κάνει τις καλαμιές να θροΐζουν. The air makes the reeds rustling.
#5.Μπουμπουνίζω (μπουμπουνίζει): to thunder. It is used in the third singular person.
Όταν μπουμπουνίζει, ο σκύλος μας κρύβεται κάτω από το κρεβάτι. When it thunders, our dogs hides under the bed.
#6.Βροντάω: to thunder (synonym of μπουμπουνίζει). We also use this verb to describe a loud and usually unpleasant sound.
Βροντάει και βρέχει. It is thundering and raining.
Μη βροντάς έτσι τα πιάτα! Με ξύπνησες! Don’t bump the dishes so loudly (while washing them)! You woke me up!
Τα βροντάω: idiomatic expression. It means to quit, to leave.
Θα τα βροντήξω όλα και θα πάω να ζήσω στην επαρχία. I will leave everything behind and I will go live in the countryside.
#7.Κροταλίζω: to crack, to crackle
Οι χορευτές κροτάλισαν ρυθμικά τα ξύλινα κουτάλια. The dancers crackled rhythmically the wooden spoons.
Τύλιξα το παιδί με μια κουβέρτα γιατί κροτάλιζε από το κρύο. I wrapped the child in a blanket because she she was cracking from the cold.
#8.Κουδουνίζω: to rattle
Καθώς έτρεχε, τα ψιλά κουδούνιζαν στις τσέπες του. As he ran, the chains rattled in his pockets.
Άκουσα το ποδήλατο της Ηλέκτρας να κουδουνίζει. I heard Elektra’s bike rattling.
#9.Βουίζω: to buzz
Μου αρέσει να ακούω τις μέλισσες να βουίζουν. I like listening to the bees buzzing.
Αποκοιμήθηκα στην παραλία ακούγοντας τη θάλασσα να βουίζει από τον αέρα. Ι fell asleep on the beach listening to the sea moaning.
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Hi Ourania,
Thanks for the posts. Can you also prepare an entry for baby/children vocabulary? I mean the vocabulary necessary to use when talking with a baby/child. For example, to pee, to poo, to play, to be nasty, to behave oneself. Also how to address kids, like “μωράκι μου” etc. Thanks!
@Christopher Hi, thanks for the suggestion and for our interest