Archive for 'Holidays'
Embrace Diversity – Abide with Me and Ae Mere Vatan Ke Log Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Jan 28, 2022

Republic Day celebrates जश्न the day India adopted the constitution in 1950. But, Republic Day ceremonies समारोह will be different this year. This is because the powers that be, changed the song normally played during the Beating of the Retreat. But, why would a change in song cause it to be different विभिन्न, you…
How Does Ladakh Celebrate New Year? Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Dec 29, 2021

Where is Ladakh? Ladakh sits में स्थित in the northern part of India above Jammu and Kashmir. 3 countries administer प्रशासित Ladakh: India, Pakistan and China. The Indian part of Ladakh is toward the southeast. Kargil is the gateway to Ladakh for India and has the Line of Control between Pakistan and India. It is…
A Music Festival in a Palace Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Dec 28, 2021

The whole world celebrates winter in some form or the other. For Christians, December means Christmas – even in India. The fact that 85% of the country is non-Christian does not matter. Everyone takes part in the festivities. People buy Christmas trees and wreaths, sweets and stockings. But did you know that there are a…
How to spend Christmas in Mumbai Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Dec 14, 2021

Christmas in Mumbai was and will still remain a magical experience जादुई अनुभव for this writer. The weather in Mumbai is a nice 75 degrees Farenheit and not humid, (I know that does not sound like Christmas to most Americans). Actually this is one of the best times to go to India. Ex patriates प्रवासियों…
Christmas in India Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Dec 7, 2021

People tend to forget that the Christian Apostle Thomas went to India to spread the Christian message संदेश. The Indians killed him for his efforts. But, his message remained स्थिर रहा and is still thriving today. Christianity spread throughout India and there are stories of many devout धार्मिक Christians martyred for their faith, even today…
The Five Days of Diwali Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Nov 18, 2021

Meaning of Diwali Diwali means a row of lights. The lights दीपक in question are not necessarily modern lights but more the little clay oil lamps तेल का दिया one sees in Indian homes. Lights are an essential part of the decorations सजावट of Diwali as the light is meant to ward off evil. People…
How America Celebrated Diwali 2021 Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Nov 10, 2021

Last week, Hindus in America celebrated Diwali, the Hindu festival त्यौहार of lights. At one time this would have seemed far-fetched. But, this year I was surprised विस्मित to read a Target ad on Diwali! Then, as the week went by I saw more and more news समाचार about the festival on television. I also…