Hindi Language Blog

Archive for 'Hindi Language'

Characteristics of Urban Hindi Posted by on Apr 11, 2021

Thought Clouds with Hinglish

Characteristics of Urban Hindi As we tackle the fast-paced evolution of languages all over the world due to the internet. We will take a look at the ever-evolving speech of the Hindi language in India. In our last post, we discussed social media’s use of a mixture of Hindi and English in speech. The combination…

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Social Media Influencers And Code Switching Posted by on Apr 11, 2021

Social Media Influencer

In our last blog post, we mentioned the Tapori language spoken by the lower classes of Mumbai. In this blog, we will turn our attention to a sophisticated form of Hindi spoken by the upper classes. It is a mixture of English and Hindi. Social media influencers have taken लिया है to YouTube in droves…

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Bandra Hindi Posted by on Apr 2, 2021

Sea Link Bridge Bandra

Bandra Hindi What is Bandra Hindi? Bandraites, the residents of Bandra speak a combination मिश्रण  of Hindi and English with colloquial phrases. This language is a mixture of Hindi words that are anglicized or butchered, slang, and Marathi words. Where did Bandra Hindi come from? Bandra Hindi evolved विकसित from Marathi, Konkani, and English which…

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The Tapori Culture of Mumbai Posted by on Mar 22, 2021

Guy riding a bike

Tapori Culture The Tapori language टपोरी भाषा also known as Bambaiyya language is a product of several कई Indian languages.  Stemming from Marathi, it has Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, and other अन्य languages. Tapori adds nuances बारीकियों of flavor. It is in essence संक्षेप में the language of the street सड़क or the ‘footpath’. The Tapori…

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Tapori Language of Mumbai Posted by on Mar 15, 2021

Kid on street

India भारत is a subcontinent उपमहाद्वीप, and each state राज्य has its own language भाषा and culture संस्कृति, but Mumbai is a unique अद्वितीय city with its own language and culture. Mumbai is a commercial hub वाणिज्यिक केंद्र, attracting people from different अलग parts of the nation राष्ट्र. When people of different cultures and…

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The Poetry of Nagarjun Posted by on Aug 9, 2019

This week, I’ll be discussing a Hindi and Maithili writer (लेखक/lekhak) who is not well-known (नामी/naami) outside of India but certainly should be. The author known as “Baba Nagarjun” (बाबा नागार्जुन) and “Yatri,” (यात्री) whose real name was Vaidyanath Mishra (वैद्यनाथ मिश्र) (~1911-1998), was born in the village (गाँव/gaanv) of Satlakha in Bihar (बिहार). It…

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Hindi Words Hiding in Plain Sight Posted by on Jul 27, 2019

The assumption goes that Romance languages (रोमांस भाषा/Romance bhaashaa, plural: भाषाएँ/bhaashaae) are easier for native English speakers (अँग्रेज़ी मातृभाषी/angrezi matribhaashi, lit: those for whom English is a mother tongue) to learn as they do not possess a greatly dissimilar alphabet (there’s no need to learn another script, लिपि/lipi) and possess many words (शब्द/shabd) in common…

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