Indonesian Food and Drink Vocabulary Posted by sasha on Jul 20, 2017 in Uncategorized
When you’re learning a new language to travel in a country, you’ll want to study a lot of vocabulary related to food and drinks. After all, you have to eat multiple times a day! Rather than rely on English menus and tourist-friendly restaurants, it’s best to learn how to order in Indonesian so you can eat and shop where the locals do. Here’s a ton of Indonesian food and drink vocabulary that will help you do just that! There are even videos you can follow along with to practice your pronunciation.
alpukat = avocado
anggur = grapes
apel = apple
aprikot = apricot
asam jawa = tamarind
belimbing = starfruit
blewah = cantaloupe
bluberi = blueberry
buah naga = dragonfruit
delima = pomegranate
durian = durian
jambu air = water apple/rose apple
jambu biji = guava
jeruk = orange
kedondong = ambarella
kelapa = coconut
lici/leci = lychee
mangga = mango
manggis = mangosteen
markisa = passionfruit
nanas = pineapple
nangka = jackfruit
pepaya = papaya
persik = peach
pir = pear
pisang = banana
salak = snakefruit
semangka = watermelon
stroberi = strawberry
tomat = tomato
bawang = onion
bawang putih = garlic
bayam = spinach
brokoli = broccoli
buncis = beans
bunga kol = cauliflower
cabe = chili pepper
daun bawang = green onion
jagung = corn
jamur = mushroom
kangkung = water spinach
kentang = potato
ketimun = cucumber
kol = cabbage
labu = pumpkin
paprika = peppers
sayur = vegetable
selada = lettuce
tahu = tofu
terong = eggplant
tempeh = tempeh
tomat = tomato
ubi = sweet potato
wortel = carrot
zaitun = olives
Meat & Seafood
daging = meat
ayam = chicken
dada ayam = chicken breast
sayap ayam = chicken wing
sapi = beef
babi = pork
iga babi = pork ribs
babi guling = roast suckling pig
kambing = lamb/goat
bebek = duck
sosis = sausage
bakso = meatball
makanan laut = seafood
ikan = fish
ikan tuna = tuna
lele = catfish
udang = shrimp
kepiting = crab
gurita = octopus
cumi-cumi = squid
tiram = oyster
air putih = water
air soda = soda
kopi = coffee
kopi luwak = civet coffee
kopi susu = coffee w/ milk
es kopi = ice coffee
teh = tea
Teh Botol = sweet iced tea
es teh = ice tea
teh hijau = green tea
teh hitam = black tea
teh manis = sweet tea
teh tanpa gula = tea without sugar
jus = juice
jus alpukat = avocado juice
jus apel = apple juice
jus jeruk = orange juice
jus kelapa muda = young coconut juice
jus nanas = pineapple juice
susu = milk
susu coklat = chocolate milk
susu kocok = milkshake
anggur = wine
anggur merah = red wine
anggur putih = white wine
arak = Indonesian liquor
bir = beer
bir Bintang = Bintang beer
brem = sweet alcoholic beverage (Bali)
koktil = cocktail
tuak = palm wine
wiski = whiskey
Common Indonesian Dishes
nasi goreng = fried rice
nasi campur = mixed rice
mie goreng = fried noodles
sambal = chili sauce
bakso = meatballs
soto = meat soup
mie ayam = chicken noodles
gado-gado = vegetables with peanut sauce
cap cay = stir-fried vegetables
sate = meat skewers
bubur ayam = chicken porridge
bakpao = steamed stuffed bun
siomay = dim sum/dumplings
martabak = fried crepe
ayam goreng = fried chicken
bebek goreng = fried duck
rawon = beef stew
gudeg = jackfruit stew
gulai = Indonesian curry
pepes ikan = fish steamed in banana leaf
ikan bakar = grilled fish
pecel lele = fried catfish
rendang = rendang (curry)
babi guling = roast suckling pig
gorengan = fried snacks
You can read more about nasi campur and gado-gado, and you can also check out our great nasi goreng recipe in Indonesian!
With all that, you’re ready to travel in Indonesian and eat where the locals do. Why stop there, though? Make sure to learn a new Indonesian word every day while you’re at it!

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