Archive for April, 2018
Saying ‘East’ and ‘West’ in Irish, or, de réir an tseanfhocail, ‘Soir gach siar, faoi dheireadh thiar’ Posted by róislín on Apr 30, 2018

(le Róislín) North and South pair up nicely in many parts of the world, as we’ve seen in some recent blogposts here (naisc thíos). Examples included Baile Átha Cliath Thuaidh / Theas, Meiriceá Thuaidh / Theas, and very timely for current events, An Chóiré Thuaidh and An Chóiré Theas. One pair we didn’t get…
Saying ‘North’ and ‘South’ in Irish (A Follow-up to the Blogpost on North and South Korea) Posted by róislín on Apr 28, 2018

(le Róislín) How quickly time passes! It seems like yesterday (inné) that we were all caught up in distinguishing Pyongyang (príomhchathair na Cóiré Thuaidh) from PyeongChang (láthair na gCluichí Oilimpeacha Geimhridh, 2018). Now the news from that part of the world (Leithinis na Cóiré) is getting even more interesting (níos suimiúla fós). So this seems…
Can A Word Look Irish But Not Be Irish? The Curious Case of … (Léigh leat le fáil amach) Posted by róislín on Apr 25, 2018

(le Róislín) As you can see in the graphic above, Irish has a number of words that end in “-inne.” And to add to the mix, the ending “-inné” does exist but is much less common. The ten words above end in either “-inne” or “-inné,” but one of them isn’t actually Irish. So, looking…
A Follow-up to the Irish Vocab for the Parts of a Fiddle Bow: Barr Bogha Fidil Ollmhór Déanta as Cloch le “Roc-Cheol na bhFathach” a Sheinm nó Stua Mara Nádúrtha? Posted by róislín on Apr 22, 2018

(le Róislín) photo:, Bow Fiddle Rock near Portknockie, Scotland, Originally uploaded on July 31. 2006, Colourjam [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, téacs Gaeilge le Róislín, 2018 Before we take a break from talking about music (“ceol“), and specifically fiddles (“fidleacha“) and fiddle bows (“boghanna fidle“), I couldn’t resist adding one more picture for the…
Páirteanna an Bhogha: Irish Words for the Parts of a (Fiddle) Bow (Cuid/Pt. 2) Posted by róislín on Apr 19, 2018

(le Róislín) We’ve recently looked at the Irish words for the parts of a fiddle and the parts of a fiddle bow (naisc thíos). Today we’ll look at a curious term for a part of a fiddle bow (or a bow for other “téaduirlisí” as well) — in English it’s “frog” and in Irish, it’s…
Páirteanna an Bhogha: Irish Words for the Parts of a (Fiddle) Bow (Cuid/Pt.1) Posted by róislín on Apr 14, 2018

(le Róislín) Most of the names for the parts of a fiddle bow are pretty straightforward, as the above graphic shows. So let’s start with those, and then, in the next post, we’ll take up the curious case of the frog on the bow — what does it really mean and where does the…
Páirteanna Fidle (Páirteanna Veidhlín): Parts of a Fiddle (labeled in Irish) Posted by róislín on Apr 11, 2018

(le Róislín) Continuing with our music theme (téama ceoil), let’s look at páirteanna na fidle (or “páirteanna an veidhlín“). Some are quite similar in Irish and English (scrolla, mar shampla), but in some cases, the Irish is well, distinctively Irish, like “eireaballán.” So here are the parts. Can you match them up with what’s in…