Archive for May, 2018
Rothar vs. Rothair agus Badhsacal vs. Badhsacail (Irish words for ‘bicycle’) Posted by róislín on May 31, 2018

(le Róislín) There are a few final points about bicycles that I’d like to mention before we wrap up this discussion, at least for the time being. So we’ll briefly discuss: rothar vs. rothair rothar vs. badhsacal badhsacal vs. badhsacail First, rothar vs. rothair: Many of you probably recognize that “rothar” (an rothar) is singular…
Oiriúintí Rothair – Irish Terms for Some Bicycle Accessories Posted by róislín on May 29, 2018

(le Róislín) From the decorative (tassels or streamers) to the practical (puncture repair kit), let’s look at some Irish words for bicycle accessories, continuing the téama rothaíochta we’ve been working on for the last few posts (naisc thíos). As you can see, the words are presented as a little matching game. Seo na téarmaí, le…
Cén sórt rothair é seo? Irish words for types of bicycles Posted by róislín on May 27, 2018

(le Róislín) In keeping with our recent thread on bicycles, including a brief discussion of the globe-trotting bicycle “Rozinante” (owned by _____? freagra thíos), here’s a matching game for types of bicycles. An aithníonn iad go léir? Freagraí thíos, mar is gnáth. Note that in at least one case there are two different Irish phrases…
Agus Anois an Ceistiúchán: Páirteanna Rothair i nGaeilge: Líon Isteach na Bearnaí Posted by róislín on May 23, 2018

(le Róislín) How about a little more practice with the parts of a bicycle, to follow up on the recent post on páirteanna rothair (nasc thíos)? As you may recall, that post was inspired by the saga of octogenarian travel writer Dervla Murphy’s travel account of cycling from Ireland to India. Alone! On a bicycle…
PÁIRTEANNA ROTHAIR i nGAEILGE (Parts of a Bicycle, in Irish) Posted by róislín on May 20, 2018

(le Róislín) Inspired by doing the blogpost on cyclist extraordinaire and octogenarian Dervla Murphy (nasc thíos), I decided to do a little more on bicycles before moving on to some other topics. So let’s go through a list of some of the parts of a typical bicycle. I’m sure that for a meicneoir rothar…
Cé a chuaigh ó Éirinn go dtí an India ar rothar (Which Irish cyclist went from Ireland to India by bike) agus ar an ábhar sin, cén Ghaeilge atá ar ‘full tilt’? Posted by róislín on May 15, 2018

(le Róislín) Recently, we’ve had several blogposts on “airde an chompáis” (Thuaidh, Theas, Thoir, Thiar). One of the most dramatic examples I know of that involved “going east” (ag dul soir) and “coming from the west” (ag teacht aniar) is Dervla Murphy’s amazing account of her 1963 bicycle journey entitled Full Tilt: Ireland to India…
Which Irish Speaker Visited ‘Oirthear na Gearmáine’ (East Germany) in 1960? (cuid/pt. 2) Posted by róislín on May 13, 2018

(le Róislín) As you may recall, the most recent blogpost was about the Irishman (an tÉireannach) who went to East Germany (Oirthear na Gearmáine) in the year 1960, a time when very few tourists (turasóirí) were visiting the country (an tír). The “Éireannach” in question was Seán Ó Maoilbhríde, who wrote an article in Irish…