Tag Archives: altaithe
Frásaí an tSéasúir (Seasonal Phrases) in Irish: ‘Sona’ or not ‘Sona’? (‘happy’ or not ‘happy’?) Posted by róislín on Nov 30, 2019

(le Róislín, taking a short break from the “Nature Words” series, in honor of the season) ‘Tis the season where we go around wishing people ‘Happy’ (‘sona‘ in Irish) _____ (fill in your holiday). Or do we? One of the most basic words for “happy” in Irish is “sona,” which sometimes appears as “shona,” as…
Terms for Family Relationships in Irish — Gaolta Teaghlaigh Posted by róislín on Nov 16, 2016
(le Róislín) As we approach two major holiday seasons, Lá an Altaithe (i Meiriceá) and An Nollaig (go hidirnáisiúnta), many people will be traveling great distances to spend time with their families (a dteaghlaigh). So let’s take break from looking at leasghaolta (steprelationships), as we’ve done in the recent blogposts, and look at the broader…
Cad Is *Tófurcaí Ann? Posted by róislín on Nov 15, 2011
(le Róislín) Is bia veigeatórach é “tófurcaí,” déanta as tófú nó as seitan (prótéin chruithneachta) i gcruth builín (loaf) nó i gcasaról. Cá ndeachaigh an litir “t” a bhí san fhocal “turcaí”? An áit chéanna ina bhfuil an litir “t” a bhí san fhocal Béarla “turkey” nuair a cumadh “tofurkey.” Imithe mar gheall ar rith…
Ag Comhaireamh Turcaithe (Counting Turkeys, in Irish) Posted by róislín on Nov 3, 2011
(le Róislín) Last blog we looked at the phrases for counting pumpkins. Counting anything in Irish is never just a matter of learning the words for the numbers (aon, dó, trí, or amháin, dhá, trí, etc.). It also involves possible changes to the beginning of the word for the item you’re counting. Remember, for “puimcín,”…
Séasúr na dTurcaithe (Turkey Season) Posted by róislín on Nov 24, 2009
(le Róislín) An Mháirt, agus dhá lá go Lá an Altaithe. Séasúr na dTurcaithe sna Stáit. Turcaithe sna fógraí ar an teilifís. Pardún uachtaráin do thurcaí ámharach amháin ar an nuacht. Duine i gculaith thurcaí ag bualadh a sciathán taobh thiar de thuairisceoir na haimsire ar maidin. B’fhéidir duine eile i gculaith thurcaí ina sheasamh taobh…