Italian Wordle game: PAROLE Posted by Bridgette on Jan 27, 2022 in Culture, Vocabulary
Ciao a tutti!
You may have already heard the hype around the new addictive word game called Wordle. This simple daily game challenges you to guess a word in six tries, and it lets you know if a letter is in the word or not, and whether it is in the right place. The word is always a 5 letter word and usually pretty common, so it’s not necessarily challenging your English vocabulary knowledge, but it’s a great brain-workout!
Here’s what it looks like (don’t worry, no spoilers for today’s Wordle as this one is a past one!):
But for language learners, a game like this would be not only a brain-workout, but also a challenging way to test our vocabulary knowledge. Thankfully someone has also created an Italian version called PAROLE.
The rules are very similar to Wordle:
- Indovina la parola in 6 tentativi.
- Ogni tentativo deve essere una parola valida di 5 lettere, premi invio per passare alla parola successiva.
- Dopo ogni tentativo, i colori delle tessere cambieranno per mostrarti quanto vicino sei andato ad indovinare la parola.
Un nuovo gioco di PARLE ogni giorno!
– Guess the word in 6 attempts.
-Each attempt must be a valid 5 letter word, hit enter to move to the next word.
-After each attempt, the colors of the tiles will change to show you how close you are to guessing the word.
-A new PAROLE game every day!
The real fun part is of course then sharing your results, without giving away the answer to anyone who hasn’t yet done their game of the day. Sharing is similar to Wordle, and looks as such:
Parle 360 6/6
Se tutti voi amate Wordle, vi consiglio PAROLE per migliorare il vostro italiano! Condividete i vostri risultati qui sotto se ne avete voglia.
If you all love Wordle, I recommend PAROLE to improve your Italian! Share your results below if you feel like it.
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Laurel Barton:
Parle 360 3/6
Grazie per il link! A me piacciono molto WORDLE ed adesso, PAROLE!
@Laurel Barton Di niente, anche a me piace molto!
Dale Sheehan:
Very interesting. Word games are fun. I will have to try it.
@Dale Sheehan Yes, they are so much fun! I would absolutely suggest both Wordle and Parole.
Grazie. Lo amo ….in inglese e anche in italiano !
@Mazie Anche a me piace moltissimo!
Ce l’ho fatto!
Parle 364 3/6
@Frank Bravo, Frank!!
We created which allows users to create wordles and quizzes for education, as well as learning new languages.
How do you get the new puzzle (Parole) every day. Thanks
@Janet If you visit the page every day, it will automatically refresh a new one.