Italian Christmas Songs Posted by Bridgette on Dec 24, 2021
Ciao a tutti! Buon natale a tutti voi! Merry Christmas to all of you! I wanted to share some Italian Christmas songs to enjoy this season, please add some more in the comments below. “Il Tamburino” (Little Drummer Boy) Sulla strada, pa rum pa pam pam (On the road) Un tamburino và, pa rum pa pam pam (A little drummer…
Nursery Rhymes in Italian Posted by Bridgette on Dec 17, 2021
Ciao a tutti! What better way to learn a language than through catchy songs? Nursery rhymes and songs are one way we introduce children to language, so I wanted to share some common ones in Italian below. ? Share it with any little ones that may be in your life, or enjoy it on your…
La neve che mai si accumula – The snow that never drifts Posted by Bridgette on Dec 10, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Although the winter solstice isn’t until December 21, the weather may have us thinking differently lately. As the season is right around the corner, I wanted to share a poem in both Italian and English – La neve che mai si accumula (The snow that never drifts) – Emily Dickinson. Tra le…
I love you, I like you, in Italian Posted by Bridgette on Dec 3, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Come state? How are you all? Today let’s look at home to express your feelings for that special someone in your life – in Italiano! Piacere – to like (to be pleasing to..) (Tu) mi piaci – I like you (lit. you are pleasing to me) Piacere is conjugated much differently…
La Festa del Ringraziamento – Thanksgiving Posted by Bridgette on Nov 24, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Tomorrow is La Festa del Ringraziamento! Of course, this is only celebrated in the USA, but many cultures have been celebrating harvests for centuries. Did you know that the Romans also celebrated a large annual harvest? This festival was called Cerelia, which honored Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, grain, and fertility. (And yes…
In banca – At the bank Posted by Bridgette on Nov 19, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Big news: I’ve moved to Europe and so I’ve been spending a lot of time with some administrative tasks lately. One of which included opening a bank account, so let’s read about some banking vocabulary in Italy. La maggior parte delle banche chiede: documento di identità codice fiscale In alcuni casi può…
Feeling sick (reading practice) Posted by Bridgette on Nov 12, 2021
Ciao a tutti! Below you will find some reading practice and some vocabulary around feeling sick and speaking to a doctor/pharmacist. Buona lettura! _________________________________________________________________ Thomas si sente male ed entra in una farmacia. Dopo aver parlato con la farmacista, decide di chiamare l’ambulatorio medico e di prendere un appuntamento. Farmacista: Buongiorno, come posso aiutarLa? Thomas…