Transparent Language Blog

Archive for June, 2012

How long will it take to learn? Posted by on Jun 30, 2012 in Archived Posts

This question cannot be answered in one word or sentence for all learners and all languages. It is not possible to predict how much time achieving fluency will take, since it is a very individual process. Achieving fluency in a foreign language depends on many factors. There are “easy” and “difficult” languages for an English…

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Can Adults Learn a New Language? Posted by on Jun 27, 2012 in Archived Posts

Have you ever heard of Joseph Caspar Mezzofanti? He was an Italian cardinal who spoke almost 40 languages fluently when he passed away in 1849. How about you – do you know another language? Many adults I’ve spoken to have stated many reasons why they are not learning, or they only know one (their…

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