Transparent Language Blog

Archive for 'Learning Feature Updates'

Close Your Rings, Learn a Language Posted by on Jul 10, 2024 in For Learners, Learning Feature Updates

Transparent Language Online redesign

What are you lookin’ at? Oh, the new learner portal design in Transparent Language Online!? Us too. 😍 Goodbye cloud background (IYKYK). Hello clean new dashboard. The new look reduces distractions. So learners can focus on what matters most. ⭕ Completing your next lesson. ⭕ Meeting your daily goal. ⭕ Reviewing regularly. It’s like closing the…

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Placement Tests in Transparent Language Online Posted by on Apr 6, 2021 in For Learners, For Libraries, Learning + Usage Tips, Learning Feature Updates

transparent language online placement tests

🧐 Not sure where to begin in Transparent Language Online? Take a placement test! Informal placement tests are available in 8 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. The tests contain four parts: a fill-in-the blank grammar section an identify-the-mistake grammar section a fill-in-the-blank vocabulary section and a reading comprehension section At…

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Transparent Language Online Year in Review 2020 Posted by on Dec 30, 2020 in For Businesses, For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Feature Updates, Learning Material Updates

COVID-19 News Lesson

What a year. Despite all of the challenges of 2020, you logged more hours than ever in Transparent Language Online. Thank you for learning with us! Whether you’re learning to have fun at home, to land a new job, or to connect with family from afar, let’s keep that momentum going. You won’t want to…

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Learn on the go with Hands-free Autoplay Lessons Posted by on Dec 15, 2020 in For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Feature Updates

transparent language online hands free lessons

Feel like you need more hours in the day or a few extra hands to get everything done? We can’t give you more time, but we can free up your hands! Allow us to introduce Hands-free Autoplay mode in the Transparent Language (Online) mobile apps. Any lesson in the app can be opened and automatically…

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Want to learn a language? We’ll be your accountability partner. Posted by on Mar 24, 2020 in For Learners, Learning Feature Updates

If you have a language learning goal but you don’t hold yourself accountable, does the goal even exist? If you’ve logged into Transparent Language Online this month, you’ve probably noticed there’s a new Goals panel on your dashboard (or in the hamburger menu on mobile). And if you haven’t logged in yet this month… this…

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Add Your Own Vocab in Transparent Language Online Posted by on Apr 18, 2019 in For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips, Learning Feature Updates

manage learned vocab cl-150

You can now add new words and phrases—or edit existing words and phrases—in the Learned Vocab Management dashboard Transparent Language Online. Our platforms provide end-to-end support for language programs: instructors can create lessons, students and individuals can learn and review material, and administrators can track and report on that learning—all from directly within the platform…

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It’s time to spend less time on alphabet learning Posted by on Nov 5, 2018 in For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips, Learning Feature Updates

learn baluchi alphabet

Alphabet learning is like the “accessory work” of language learning. A Crossfit athlete, for example, cares mostly about the big movements: squats, cleans, snatches, muscle-ups, etc. To improve these movements, dedicated athletes will do accessory exercises like hammer curls, rows, or glute bridges. Less fun to spend lots of time on, no doubt, but necessary…

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