Transparent Language Blog

Archive for 'Library Success Stories'

Florida Library Teaches ASL Classes with Transparent Language Online Posted by on Jul 8, 2024 in For Libraries, Library Success Stories

ASL classes at Seminole County Public Library with Transparent Language Online

You can probably guess the languages our library patrons learn most: English, Spanish, French. But recently… ASL! Since we added American Sign Language to Transparent Language Online for Libraries, it’s ranked in the top 5 most learned languages (of 130 languages!) nearly every month. The 60-hour ASL course covers all the basics: 👉 fingerspelling 👉…

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How Understanding Community Needs Led to 6x Growth Posted by on Jan 31, 2022 in For Libraries, Library Success Stories

Promoting library resources can sometimes feel like shouting to the void. But as a librarian, you know your community better than anyone. Give that void a face. Postville Public Library in Iowa did exactly that and achieved 6x growth in their users in 2021. In fact, Postville Public Library had the highest monthly usage among…

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Transparent Language Library Spotlight: Connecticut Libraries Posted by on Apr 13, 2016 in For Libraries, Library Success Stories

Happy National Library Week to all of the hardworking librarians out there! This year’s theme is Libraries Transform, a mantra that highlights the transformative nature and significance of modern library services in the digital age. The video below demonstrates just a few of the transformations libraries have made, from cultural centers to business incubators. The…

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Transparent Language Library Spotlight: Albert Wisner Public Library Posted by on Mar 16, 2016 in For Libraries, Library Success Stories

 “A few years ago we heard how technology would make libraries obsolete. We have turned that on its head. Libraries have become the gateway to get access to technology. It has made libraries more necessary.” – Albert Wisner Public Library director Rosemary Cooper in an interview with Library Journal There’s a common misconception in America…

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Transparent Language Library Spotlight: Nashville Public Library Posted by on Jul 29, 2015 in For Libraries, Library Success Stories

Never has a slogan been truer than for Nashville Public Library (NPL), where “books are only half the story.” This library goes beyond books, and beyond the walls that house them, with its extensive adult literacy program that supports immigrants and resettled refugees throughout the community. In a city as linguistically diverse as Nashville, where…

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Transparent Language Online Library Subscriber Receives National Innovator Award Posted by on Jul 15, 2015 in Archived Posts, For Libraries, Library Success Stories

A few months ago, we spoke with the wonderful folks at Jacksonville Public Library (JPL) about how they leverage Transparent Language Online in their library, and they blew us away. Clearly, we’re not the only ones impressed with their efforts. We’re ecstatic to congratulate Jacksonville Public Library for receiving the 2015 Top Innovator Award in…

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Transparent Language Library Spotlight: Jacksonville Public Library Posted by on Mar 25, 2015 in For Libraries, Library Success Stories

In 2011, things got a little brighter for the Jacksonville Public Library system in sunny Jacksonville, Florida: they subscribed to Transparent Language Online, providing their customers free language-learning resources in more than 80 languages. Inspired by his friends’ New Year’s Resolutions to learn a new language, Eric Soriano, a member of the library’s e-services team…

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