Transparent Language Blog

Archive for 'For Educators'

Learn a language offline with the Transparent Language Online app Posted by on Jun 17, 2024 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries

It’s 2024. Surely everyone learning a language with us has home internet, right? Unfortunately, no. Tens of millions of US households don’t have internet. And potentially more soon. Congressional funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program ran out on May 31. The program provided a home internet subsidy to more than 23 million low-income households. If…

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Learn offline in the Transparent Language Online app Posted by on Feb 16, 2023 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries

Transparent Language Online mobile app download lessons

You can now download courses for offline learning in the Transparent Language Online app. The more often you engage with your language, the more you’ll learn and retain. That’s why we’re making it easier to learn anytime, anywhere—even if you don’t have internet access! To download courses for offline use, open the Browse tab and…

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Transparent Language Online Year in Review 2022 Posted by on Dec 23, 2022 in Company News, For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries

American Sign Language - learn fingerspelling online with Transparent Language

2022 was the year of new languages and special purpose courses in Transparent Language Online. We added our most requested language! Expanded the ESL collection to serve critical needs. Added eight more indigenous languages. And started building a series of courses to help business professionals live and work in our most popular languages. American Sign…

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New Course: Beginner French for Professionals Posted by on Apr 20, 2022 in For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries, Learning Material Updates

beginner french for professionals online course

Most language learning apps will prepare you for a vacation to France. (We have the “Essentials” course in French and 80+ other languages, if that’s what you need.) But what if you have more serious personal and professional needs? Do more than just survive your next vacation. Prepare to live and work in the Francophone…

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Goodbye textbooks, hello authentic materials! Posted by on Aug 11, 2021 in For Educators

student on phone

Ever feel like you’re competing with your students’ phones for their attention? 📱 🙄 They’ve got the world at their fingertips now. But a new language opens up a whole new world, too. Make your classroom just as interesting as the real world by incorporating authentic materials. (Come learn how our instructors do it on…

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Stop teaching vocab—let tech do it for you! Posted by on Jul 14, 2021 in For Educators

Every second counts in the language classroom. ⏳ Language teachers must juggle engaging and authentic classroom activities that promote speaking, writing, reading, listening, grammar, and beyond—all through a new cultural lens for students. 🤹‍♀️ Don’t waste another minute reading aloud endless lists of new vocabulary, asking your students to fill it in along the way…

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Vocabulary vs. Grammar: Where to begin? Posted by on Apr 14, 2021 in For Educators, For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips

david wilkins vocabulary grammar quote

You have limited time to study your target language. How should you spend it? For beginner and intermediate learners, we typically recommend focusing on vocabulary. Read on to find out why, or skip to the video at the bottom to watch a replay of our webinar explaining why vocab matters more than you think. How…

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