Transparent Language Blog

Archive for July, 2012

The State of Language in Our World Posted by on Jul 30, 2012 in Archived Posts

Speaking of Languages Infographic thumbnail

As the internet and other technologies combine to bring people from opposite sides of the globe closer together, language use will undoubtedly evolve as well. Check out our “Speaking of Languages…” infographic to learn more about the world’s many languages, as well as the answer to the age-old question, “How long will it take me…

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From Desire Comes Passion Posted by on Jul 27, 2012 in Archived Posts

There are times when I like to sit and watch people choose a language book or course at the bookstore. I see those who go through the books, casually looking through them, flipping through the pages, not sure if they will be able to do it. And I see those who are looking for a…

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Passive Listening or Active Listening? Posted by on Jul 25, 2012 in Archived Posts

It seems like today we want everything now. We get our dinner at a drive-through, we wash our hair with shampoo and conditioner in one bottle, and we always want to do more things in the least amount of time. All that multi-tasking and rushing around may not always be for the best, however. In…

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