Transparent Language Blog

Archive for March, 2013

Why Language Learners Should Prioritize Declarative Memory Posted by on Mar 25, 2013 in For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips

vocabulary depth

One of the things that differentiate Transparent Language from many of our competitors is the method we employ to teach adult language learners a new language. We are firm believers in the declarative method. To oversimplify, your brain learns things using two complimentary systems: declarative memory (facts) and procedural memory (skills). For languages, the declarative…

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Language-learning Online: How One School Cut Spending and Boosted Student Outcomes Posted by on Mar 12, 2013 in For Educators

It’s no secret that public school districts are strapped for cash.  Budget shortfalls are commonplace, and administrators are looking for solutions to cut costs without compromising the educational experience.  Recently, one school found a way to cut costs and improve student outcomes. East Kingston Elementary School, (EKES,) located in East Kingston, NH is saving money…

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You can’t learn a language “naturally” with software Posted by on Mar 4, 2013 in Archived Posts

learning languages online

If I want to learn a second language, can I turn to my computer? One would hope so, since I make such products for a living. And the answer is yes… but it’s a qualified yes. I can’t learn another language the way I learned my native language without moving to another country or investing…

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