Transparent Language Blog

Archive for January, 2018

Transparent Language Online Wins Third Modern Library Award Posted by on Jan 29, 2018 in Company News, For Libraries

It’s a threepeat! Transparent Language Online received its third Platinum Award in LibraryWork’s 2018 Modern Library Awards (MLAs). The MLAs were established to recognize the top products in the library industry in a truly unbiased format. Submitted products were sent to the LibraryWorks database of more than 80,000 librarians at public, K-12, academic, and special…

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Is it time to turn the page on language textbooks? Posted by on Jan 22, 2018 in Archived Posts

Who has two hands and a device always glued to one of them? Almost every member of the younger generation. Today’s generation of students and young professionals are digital natives—they can hardly imagine a world before smartphones, Google, YouTube, or instant access to virtually any information. If they have a question, need directions, or want…

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It’s Time to Invest in Employee Language Training Posted by on Jan 15, 2018 in For Businesses

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin We recently made the case for more and better foreign language education in schools. Thousands of educators and students took interest, sharing the post and championing the cause. But employers should be paying attention, too. As businesses in nearly every industry—from energy to…

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Why all libraries should offer online language learning opportunities Posted by on Jan 8, 2018 in For Libraries

At Transparent Language, we are firm believers that every language learner should have a library card. But what should every library have for language learners? Libraries are far from obsolete—if your mental image of a library conjures up dusty books, think again. Libraries are modern community and cultural centers, playing a critical role in the…

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Sorry STEM, Google just made the case for more foreign language education Posted by on Jan 1, 2018 in For Educators

Science, technology, engineering, and math are not the only (or perhaps even the most) valuable 21st century skills. Even Google says so. In the last decade, American education has been increasingly concerned with promoting STEM subjects. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of students enrolled in STEM degree programs increased 36%. Then-President Obama asked Congress…

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