Transparent Language Blog

Archive for November, 2018

History has taught us the value of foreign languages. Have we learned our lesson? Posted by on Nov 19, 2018 in Archived Posts

historical importance of languages

From the Cold War era to the 2014 Ebola outbreak, we need not look back too far to realize the scale of America’s language gap—and why we must fill it before history repeats itself. There is a reason we offer more than 100 languages in our learning platforms: we believe all languages matter. That’s not…

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It’s time to spend less time on alphabet learning Posted by on Nov 5, 2018 in For Learners, Learning + Usage Tips, Learning Feature Updates

learn baluchi alphabet

Alphabet learning is like the “accessory work” of language learning. A Crossfit athlete, for example, cares mostly about the big movements: squats, cleans, snatches, muscle-ups, etc. To improve these movements, dedicated athletes will do accessory exercises like hammer curls, rows, or glute bridges. Less fun to spend lots of time on, no doubt, but necessary…

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