Transparent Language Blog

Advocating for More Voices Posted by on Aug 5, 2024 in Company News, For Learners

What does it mean to be a language advocate? What are we even advocating for?

The best way I’ve heard it put: “more voices.”

More voices. That’s what we need to celebrate and increase multilingualism.

Our languages are foundational to our identities. When one dies (which happens at a rate of one language every two weeks) all humanity loses one more tool in our toolbox of different ways of looking at the world.

Fortunately, language revitalization is happening all around us if we but pause to look. Through its International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022–2032), UNESCO is helping create a worldwide conversation.

What Makes Us Human by Victor D. O. SantosOne such voice in that conversation: linguist and children’s author Victor D.O. Santos and his marvelous illustrator Anna Forlati. His latest illustrated book, What Makes Us Human, selected by UNESCO as the official book for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, asks us what it is that makes us human. His answer (spoiler alert): language. The book has already been published into 22 languages around the world, including two Indigenous languages: Mapudungun (Chile) and Hñähño (Mexico).

I’d argue the book is not just for children. It sheds light on how language connects us, how it opens our perspective, and how it links past, present, and future. The book’s message is for all of us—every language matters.

And that’s how we at Transparent Language advocate for languages. Leading with the belief that every language matters. And investing in as many as we can.

We are proud to donate our technology to 7000 Languages, a non-profit organization working to empower communities around the world to teach, learn, and sustain endangered and indigenous languages.

So far, we’ve partnered to create and host courses in 30 indigenous languages from all corners of the world, from South America to the Caucuses to First Nations, and beyond. Those courses are available to the communities who create them, but also patrons of thousands of public libraries across North America, Europe, and Australia.

August 9th marks the U.N. International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. In the spirit of “more voices,” how will you use your voice in your community to amplify the importance of language?

Contributed by Lorie Roule, Senior Executive at Transparent Language

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About the Author: Transparent Language

Transparent Language is a leading provider of best-practice language learning software for consumers, government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses. We want everyone to love learning language as much as we do, so we provide a large offering of free resources and social media communities to help you do just that!

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