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Transparent Language 2019 Year in Review Posted by on Dec 23, 2019 in Company News, For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries

transparent language platforms

Any serious language learner will know the importance of reviewing what you’ve learned. So, it’s only logical that we apply that practice ourselves and look back on what we’ve learned and accomplished in 2019. What have we been working on? The Transparent Language team spent a good chunk of 2019 improving and expanding our language…

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How 150 freelance linguists help us train tens of thousands of language professionals Posted by on Feb 26, 2019 in Company News

cl-150 cohorts remote lesson authoring

We talk a lot about how technology is transforming the way we teach and learn language. But we don’t talk enough about the transformation in how we create language learning content—and the team that helps us do it. The content challenge is different for professionals In contrast to many language learning companies, we primarily support…

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Language training must embrace the next generation of e-learning Posted by on Oct 1, 2018 in Archived Posts

future of elearning

To get serious about skills training, organizations “need to embrace a new generation of e-learning.” According to the former head of Google France, Jean-Marc Tassetto, e-learning platforms are on “the brink of an engagement revolution.” He predicts that e-learning will be more personalized, adaptive, and aligned with individual goals. Less MOOC-style show-and-tell and more, well…

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Are you taking advantage of Transparent Language’s free resources? Posted by on Apr 3, 2017 in Archived Posts

Yes, we’re in the business of training languages for professionals and motivated individuals, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love a good freebie. As we all know, one resource won’t make you fluent, so we want to make sure you’re taking advantage of our many free language resources. Word of the Day Receive a new vocab…

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