Tag Archives: language
Is the Internet Creating New Languages? Posted by Transparent Language on Nov 9, 2015 in Archived Posts

With the expanding ability for people all over the world to connect with each other, the Internet has spawned an unprecedented language revolution. According to InternetWorldStats.com, English is currently the most common active language on the Internet. This makes sense, since English is recognized as the predominant language of international business, diplomacy, science, air traffic…
Why Learn a Language if Machines Translate for You? Posted by kristen on Feb 11, 2013 in Archived Posts

Computers already facilitate communication, but will they someday allow real-time conversations between speakers of different languages? The Economist believes they might. In an article about machine translation, the author speculates that we may see computers doing this “Star Trek” kind of work someday soon. Still, this is a difficult feat for machines. They struggle with…
Don’t Sweat the Grammar Posted by kheudorfer on Jul 27, 2010 in Archived Posts
Don’t get us wrong; grammar is important! But when you first start learning a language, you should focus on acquiring vocabulary. Because sometimes, just knowing a single word in a language can make all the difference. In his book Vocabulary Myths, Keith Folse tells a story about not knowing the right word. Having just moved…