Basic Nouns: Part II Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Jun 29, 2018 in Latin Language
×Review of last month’s homework:
Translate from Latin to English
- Coquus aulam filiarum portat. = The cook carries the daughters’ pot.
- Tu clamas, aulas celo. = You are shouting, I hide the pots.
- Cur me times? = Why are you fearful of me? Why are you afraid of me?
- Coronas et aulas coqui celant sub scaena. = The cooks hide the crowns/garlands and pots under the stage.
- Filia ad scaenam intrat. = The daughter enters towards the stage.
Translate from English to Latin
- They hide the pot, the cooks are afraid. = aulam celant, coqui timent.
- Why are you carrying the pots? = Cur aulas portas?
- The pots are full of garlands. = Aulas plenas coronarum sunt. (THIS ONE WAS HARD!)
- The cook calls the female slaves. = seruas coquus vocat.
- We hide the garlands in the pots. = in aulis coronas celamus.
Salvete Omnes!
We have reviewed 1st and 2nd declension nouns – so we will move onto the 3rd declension nouns.
3rd Declension Nouns (consonant stem) fur, furis 3m. (thief)
The endings for these nouns are in bold while the root of the noun is not.
Case (singular) | Abbreviation | Case (Plural) | English Translation |
Nominative (nom.) | fur | Nominative (nom. | fures |
Accusative (acc.) | furem | Accusative (acc.) | fures |
Genitive (gen.) | furis | Genitive (gen.) | furum |
Dative (dat.) | furis | Dative (dat.) | furibus |
Ablative (abl.) | fure | Ablative (abl.) | furibus |
3rd Declension Nouns (i-stem) aedis, aedis 3f. (room, temple, house)
The endings for these nouns are in bold while the root of the noun is not.
Case (singular) | Abbreviation | Case (Plural) | English Translation |
Nominative (nom.) | aedis | Nominative (nom. | aedes |
Accusative (acc.) | aedem | Accusative (acc.) | aedis or aedes |
Genitive (gen.) | aedis | Genitive (gen.) | aedium |
Dative (dat.) | aedi | Dative (dat.) | aedibus |
Ablative (abl.) | aede or aedi | Ablative (abl.) | aedibus |
3rd declension nouns can be tricky in terms of roots. When the noun is displayed (aedis, aedis or fur, furis) the first case is the singular nominative and the second word is the singular genitive. This will assist the Latin student or reader will need to look at the singular genitive form to discover how to decline the noun. But here are some notes:
- stems ending in “l” or “r” keep the “l” or “r” in the nominative
- consulis (nom.) -> consul “consul OR furis (nom.) -> fur “thief”
- stems ending in “d” or “t” will end with a”s” in the nominative
- pedis (nom.) -> pes “foot” OR dotis (nom.) -> dos “dowry”
- stems ending in “c” or “g” will end with an “x” in the nominative
- regis (nom.) -> rex “king” OR ducis (nom.) -> dux “general”
- stems ending in “on” or “ion” will end with a “o” or “io” in the nominative
- praedonis (nom.) -> praedo “pirate”
This month’s homework:
senex, senis (3m)= old man | honor, honoris (3m)=respect | clam = secretly |
cura,ae (1f) = worry, care | unguentum, i (2n)= ointment | thesarus, i (2n) |
amo (1)= I love | do (1) = I give | possideo (2) =I have, I hold, I possess |
curo (1) = I look after, I care for | non= no, not | igitur = therefor |
quare = why? | quod = because | tandem = at length |
- in aedibus senex nunc habitat.
- seruam clam amat senex.
- igitur senem deus non curat.
- quare in aedis non intras, senex?
- unguentum senex tandem possidet.
- thesaurum senis fur uidet.

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1. Shouldn’t it be “aulam filiae”? (singular genitive of daughter)
5. Shouldn’t it be “Filia,” not “Fila”?
Brittany Britanniae:
@Stephanie Thank you for catching my typos. It should be daughters’ and so I moved the apostrophe, and I forgot to add the “i” for filia. Thank you.
Shouldn’t sentence 8. The pots are full of garlands. = Aulas plenas coronarum sunt. Be POTS as Nominative Plural as Aulae plenas coronarum sunt.