Latin Language Blog

As Pompeii Crumbles…How will it be remembered? Posted by on Mar 12, 2014

POMPEII The word Pompeii invokes various imagery and feelings within individuals. From some, it may simply be the name of “some old place” or  be the title of their favorite song or movie. However, we all know (through research, study or school) that Pompeii was one of the great cities in Ancient Rome that was wiped…

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Ovid’s Heroides: The Original Fan Fiction Posted by on Mar 5, 2014

Within antiquity there are several mythological love stories that touch our hearts, souls, and mind. When attempting to provide an example of “true love,” people generally name couples like Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Helen and Paris, and so on. These couples which are often tragic and short lived romances. As enthusiasts for Latin, we…

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The Olympic Games in Ancient Rome Posted by on Feb 26, 2014

With the close of the modern Olympic Games in Sochi, let us take a look at their beginnings. The Olympic Games began in Ancient Greece in honor to the supreme god Zeus. The game was one of four PanHellenic festivals held in Greece. The three other games which were the Nemean (like the lion), Isthmian, and Pythic…

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Gerunds vs. Gerundives Posted by on Feb 20, 2014

Have you long struggled with knowing the exact forms and uses of the Latin Gerund or Gerundive? Well, this post was created in order to aid you in all your questions about forms, translations, and grammatical uses. HELPFUL PRINTOUTS If you are studying Latin, I would recommend the following site for your references (the image…

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Lupercalia: The Ancient Roman Love Holiday Before Valentine’s Day Posted by on Feb 11, 2014

Lupercalia is an ancient fertility Roman festival that was held February 13-15. The festival was held to both promote fertility along with purging the city of evil and illness. Although it was an ancient festival; it was celebrated for many centuries. In Roman mythology, Lupercus is a god sometimes identified Faunus (equivalent to Greek god: Pan). Lupercus…

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You Want to Learn Latin: Keep Calm and Read On! Posted by on Feb 5, 2014

So you want to learn Latin? Or, are you already learning Latin? So, let’s look at a sentence: Sed debebatur, ut opinor, fatis tantae origo urbis maximique secundum deorum opes imperii principium. (Livy 1.4) So is your initial reaction is to panic, run for hills, and give up? Well, Don’t! Five Tips that will save you…

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Ancient Roman Super Stars: Charioteers Posted by on Jan 28, 2014

Good Day Readers! So, let’s talk about some sports since the Olympics and the Super Bowl are just around the corner. While the Olympic Games were “the” competition of Ancient Greece; the chariot races were the oldest and most popular spectacle of Ancient Rome. So, we all know the iconic chariot scene from Ben Hur, but…

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