Latin Language Blog

Tag Archives: roman culture

As Pompeii Crumbles…How will it be remembered? Posted by on Mar 12, 2014

POMPEII The word Pompeii invokes various imagery and feelings within individuals. From some, it may simply be the name of “some old place” or  be the title of their favorite song or movie. However, we all know (through research, study or school) that Pompeii was one of the great cities in Ancient Rome that was wiped…

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Ancient Roman Super Stars: Charioteers Posted by on Jan 28, 2014

Good Day Readers! So, let’s talk about some sports since the Olympics and the Super Bowl are just around the corner. While the Olympic Games were “the” competition of Ancient Greece; the chariot races were the oldest and most popular spectacle of Ancient Rome. So, we all know the iconic chariot scene from Ben Hur, but…

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Ancient Roman Nanotechnology improving the Future. Posted by on Jan 21, 2014

Q:WHAT IS IT? When asked about the above cup is made from, responders have answered “Ruby!” “Emerald!” “Gold!” Viewers of the Lycurgus Cup are often led astray as to the properties of this unique one-of-a-kind cup. Some even believe that the images represent two different cups or the same cup with red or green light…

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You Are What You Eat Posted by on Jan 8, 2014

Hello Readers, Welcome to 2014! As of the New Year, I am sure many of us have chosen to “lose weight” or “eat healthier” as a resolution. As there are many diets and trends to follow in order to lose weight; one of the most respectable ways is to eat healthy and exercise at 30…

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Roman Origins of the New Year Posted by on Dec 31, 2013

Whilst enjoying your New Year, remember to look back on 2013 and see what you wish to make of 2014! But before you do that, read on the historic background of New Years Day! Originally, the Roman calendar designated March 1 as the New Year.  The Roman Calendar only had ten months with March as…

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The Who, What, When, Where and Why of the Ludi Plebeii Posted by on Nov 13, 2013

In understanding the culture and lifestyles of the ancient Romans, we should look to their holidays to both their gods, monuments, and national victories. An amazing list of Roman festivals can be found here. WHAT IS THE LUDI PLEBEII The Ludi Plebeii  comes from the two words ludi (meaning play, games, etc.) and plebeii (meaning…

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One to a Million in Latin and Roman Numerals Posted by on Nov 5, 2013

This week we will be learning  Roman Numerals and their Latin names, so that later this month we can learn how to write dates in Latin using Roman months, ordinal numbers, and dates. But first things first, how many of you can read the numbers on this clock? Well, there are four rules to remember…

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