Latin Language Blog

Tag Archives: roman culture

Wedding Traditions from Ancient Rome Posted by on Sep 4, 2014

Salvete Omnes, I hope everyone’s Labor Day Weekends went well! My weekend was a bit exhausting, but I am recovering slowly over the work week. I wanted to take sometime this week to write an article on weddings. I am attending a wedding this weekend and wanted to do a post on Roman weddings…

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Augustus’ 2,000th Death Anniversary Posted by on Aug 19, 2014

Salvete Omnes! Do you know what today is? I’ll give you a hint: the world has been planning and excited for today! It has been 2,000 years in the making. This date marks the 2,000th anniversary of Augustus Caesar’s death. If you are not familiar with Augustus or Octavian Caesar, please refer to one of our past…

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Part I of Ancient Roman Pets: Popular Pets Posted by on Jul 30, 2014

Salvete Omnes! How is everyone’s summer going? I hope it is going well! So this week’s (and next’s) theme is pets within Ancient Rome. This post will attempt to look at the discuss the popular pets within Ancient Rome. Next week, we will look at the most interesting and bizarre pets from ancient Rome! The…

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4 Examples of Latin & Video Games Posted by on Jun 25, 2014

Salve Omnes! Video games permeate through our world from the popular game consoles, Facebook games, phone apps, and so on. But, I bet you didn’t know that some of your favorite video games…actually have Latin in them! Here is an awesome basic video that shows some of the more popular instances, but some of which…

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June 20th: Ancient Roman Festival to Summanus Posted by on Jun 18, 2014

Salvete Omnes! I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer! I decided in honor of the summer solstice (the official first day of summer) that I would write about a unknown Roman festival and deity. As many of you know, the Ancient Romans were polytheists; thus, they had many gods they needed to appease throughout the…

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Origins of April Fools Day Posted by on Apr 1, 2014

April Fool’s Day comes around each year and with it jokes, hoaxes, and elaborate “breaking” news articles. These “jokes”  spam our email, social media outlets, and lives from the moment we wake till the end of our day. At times, they can be humorous or playful (like Google’s Pokémon Challenge; here), they can be misleading (Boudicca’s…

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Ancient Roman Women in Film Posted by on Mar 26, 2014

In honor of March being National Women’s History Month, I thought it appropriate to pay respect to those ancient Roman women who have been portrayed (accurately or inaccurately) in film and television. For it is often through television and film that ancient people or historic events pick up popularity amongst modern society. Moreover, I stand…

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