Norwegian Language Blog

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17 Things to Love about Norway Posted by on May 17, 2020

Gratulerer med dagen! (Happy May 17th!) Today Norwegians all over the world are celebrating their grunnlov (constitution – from 1814). This year, of course, is very different. Most of the fun 17. mai-tog (May 17th parades) have been cancelled. 🙁 Instead, children and adults have to celebrate hjemme [YEMMeh] (at home). Let’s join the celebrations…

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Norwegian Cabin Fever Posted by on Apr 30, 2020

Hvordan går det? (How are you doing?) A lot of people in Norway are currently suffering from brakkesyke (cabin fever, literally ’hut sickness’). Of course, this is caused by the worldwide pandemic, which makes people stay hjemme [yemmeh] (at home). Let’s get our heads out of that cabin! 🙂 No matter if you’re a latsabb…

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Staying Curious in Times of Need Posted by on Mar 18, 2020

Dette er en veldig vanskelig tid for mange mennesker. (This is a very hard time for many people.) Men livet må fortsette! (But life must go on!) Kanskje du kan bruke noe av ventetida på å lære norsk? (Maybe you can spend some of the waiting time on learning Norwegian?) Here are some useful expressions…

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Counties in the Mix Posted by on Feb 28, 2020

Heisann og hoppsann! When Norwegians woke up after this year’s nyttårsfeiring (New Year celebrations), the map of the country had changed. (No, it wasn’t because of a collective champagne bakrus – hangover…) In the beginning of 2020, the number of Norwegian fylker (”counties”) officially went from 18 to 11, and a lot of people suddenly…

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The Tomato and the Onion Posted by on Jan 31, 2020

Children’s books and songs can be of great value when learning a foreign language – even if you’re a grown-up. 😉 Because phrases in children’s texts are normally short and to-the-point, you’ll understand them fast enough and easily gain the confidence (and curiosity) to learn more. Below follows a small breakdown of a classic Norwegian…

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All has been perfect Posted by on Dec 30, 2019

Hva har du fått til jul? (What have you got for Christmas?) With the festive days fresh in mind, the time has come to look at the perfect tense. Have you ever thought about the perfect tense? It’s used to talk about a span of time that includes both the present moment and the past…

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Christmas Countdown Posted by on Nov 30, 2019

Julemåneden er nesten her. (The Xmas month [= December] is almost here.) Like many Norwegian shops, your blogger kan ikke vente med å pynte til jul (can’t wait decorating for Christmas). Here’s a typical November pre-launch of a julekalender (Xmas calender) with 24 sweets, one for each day until julaften. But don’t click the first…

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