Archive for 'Culture'
Christmas Countdown Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Nov 30, 2019

Julemåneden er nesten her. (The Xmas month [= December] is almost here.) Like many Norwegian shops, your blogger kan ikke vente med å pynte til jul (can’t wait decorating for Christmas). Here’s a typical November pre-launch of a julekalender (Xmas calender) with 24 sweets, one for each day until julaften. But don’t click the first…
How to Survive Heatwaves in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 31, 2019

Huff så varmt! (Ugh, how hot!) Like many other places in Europe, Norge has also been recently hit by a hetebølge (heat wave). Here’s a tiny survival guide for the next time termometeret viser over 30 grader (the thermometer shows more than 30 °C). Husk å drikke mye vann! (Remember to drink lots of water!)…
3 Billy Goats Bruse Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jun 30, 2019

Hello, how are you, see you later. As language learners, we often focus on everyday communication. Still, dreaming and telling stories is also important! Below is one of the most famous eventyr (fairy-tales) by the Norwegian folktale collectors Asbjørnsen og Moe (19th century) – De tre bukkene Bruse. (In English it’s known as Three Billy…
Christmassy Christmas in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 24, 2018

Nå er det jul igjen, og nå er det jul igjen, og jula varer helt til påske! (Now it’s Xmas again, and now it’s Xmas again, and the Xmas lasts until Easter.) This verse from a popular julesang (Christmas song) shows just how much Norwegians love jula [yoola] – Easter doesn’t even come close! This…
How to write a Norwegian postcard Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Aug 31, 2018

Writing a postkort (postcard) can be a great way to practice your language skills. It’s also a nice way to show people you think about them. While firing off a digital message is quicker, receiving a postcard is funnier, and most people will appreciate the extra effort… Postkort (postcards) are sold in many different places…
Happy Summer in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jun 30, 2018

Hurra, det er sommer! (Hooray, it’s summer!) For most nordmenn (Norwegians), that means ferie (vacation). Fortunately, in a diverse country like Norge, there’s always a lot to do – especially when sola skinner (the sun is shining)! 🙂 Liker du å bade? (Do you like bathing?) Finn fram badetøy og håndkle (find your bathing clothes…
17. mai, Step by Step Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2018

Gratulerer med dagen, Norge! (”Congrats with the day”, Norway!) It’s syttende mai [May 17th] again, and Norwegians all over the world are rejoicing and celebrating their nasjonaldag [nashoNAALdaag]. A 17. mai spent in a Norwegian bygd (village/town) or by (town/city) is a great experience, so for those of you who haven’t got that opportunity, here’s…