Tag Archives: 17. mai
17 Things to Love about Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2020

Gratulerer med dagen! (Happy May 17th!) Today Norwegians all over the world are celebrating their grunnlov (constitution – from 1814). This year, of course, is very different. Most of the fun 17. mai-tog (May 17th parades) have been cancelled. 🙁 Instead, children and adults have to celebrate hjemme [YEMMeh] (at home). Let’s join the celebrations…
Waving the flag Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2019

Gratulerer med dagen! (Congratulations with the day!) It’s 17. mai again, and Norwegians all over the world are celebrating not only grunnloven (the constitution), but all things Norwegian. This year, let’s take a look at the beautiful Norwegian flagg. No matter where you go in Norway, you’re bound to catch a glimpse of the pennant…
17. mai, Step by Step Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2018

Gratulerer med dagen, Norge! (”Congrats with the day”, Norway!) It’s syttende mai [May 17th] again, and Norwegians all over the world are rejoicing and celebrating their nasjonaldag [nashoNAALdaag]. A 17. mai spent in a Norwegian bygd (village/town) or by (town/city) is a great experience, so for those of you who haven’t got that opportunity, here’s…
Happy Anniversaries and Stuff Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 31, 2017

Life is full of anledninger (opportunities, occasions) to feire (celebrate) – and also sometimes to sørge (mourn). Here’s a small guide to help you choose some kind words for your Norwegian friends’ great life events. Let’s start with the sad part: When somebody has lost a loved one, a decent way of showing your respect…
This day in Norwegian history Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2017

Gratulerer med dagen! It’s 17. mai again, Norges nasjonaldag (Norway’s national day). This time, let’s celebrate by taking a look back at how it all started… Many foreigners think that 17. mai is Norway’s independence day – which is only partially true… What is being celebrated is actually Norway’s grunnlovsdag (constitution day), the day the…
Romantic Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Sep 24, 2016
What attracts you to Norway? Is it språket (the language), fjordene (the fjords), fjellene (the mountains) – or maybe trollene (the trolls)? Tourists and Norwegians alike often have very romantiske forestillinger (romantic ideas) about Norge! 🙂 Here are some of the images reisebyrået ditt (your travel agency) love to paint: Norwegians love skiing and trekking…
17 a-may-zing Norway facts Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2016
Gratulerer med dagen! (Happy Constitution day!) I dag er det 17. mai (today is May 17th), and store og små (big ones and little ones) have been out in the streets of Norway to celebrate their grunnlov (Constitution) and frihet (freedom). Here’s 17 things that help making Norway so amazing: Norges kvinnelandslag i håndball (Norway…