Polish Language Blog

10 Most Popular Polish Posts of 2015! Posted by on Dec 31, 2015 in Culture

It’s the last day of the 2015! I’m sure a lot of you have some amazing plans for tonight. It may be a big ball, spending night at a friend’s party…or just relaxing at home!

I just wanted to recap some of the most popular Polish blog post of 2015. Let’s see what were top 10:

  1. How to wish Happy Birthday in Polish


At a birthday party? Sending a card to friends or family? Organizing a birthday party for a fiend?

This blog will give you some great ideas on how to wish this special person a very happy birthday!

2. Has anyone seen The Waterfall Castle in Poland?

Image by Hase Don on Flickr.com

Image by Hase Don on Flickr.com

True or false?

This beautiful castle pops up a lot while researching amazing places to visit in Poland. No information found on how to get there…no tours…Have seen it? Do you believe it? It looks magical, but is such a puzzle…


3. POLISH SAYINGS – powiedzenia:)


Image found on http://www.hotelclub.com/blog/idioms-of-the-world-infographic

You know how twisted Polish language can be! Sometimes translated exactly…may sound and mean something totally different than you think:)

Take a loook at the explanation of some of the most popular Polish sayings in this post!

4. How to Say ‘You’re Welcome!’ in Polish


So how do we say “you’re welcome!” in Polish? How to be nice and politely say “you are welcome”…well, you just have to read this blog!


5. Where in the World Is Galicia


The one in Poland or the one in Spain? Good question!

This blog has been actually posted by Anna and it’s a great one!

History of Galicja (this is how you spell it in Polish) is a little twisted…But read this blog and you will find some answers!

6. Breakfast in Poland and what a typical śniadanie menu would be?

Image by withassociates on flickr.com

Image by withassociates on flickr.com

Are you a breakfast person? Do you like to get your energy in the morning by consuming delicious Polish breakfast? I do! I can’t start my day without a cup of coffee and a breakfast! And a lot of Poles can’t either! So this post will have some great ideas for you:)


7. Przekleństwa – curse words


Image from http://jerzyurban.blog.pl/tag/przeklenstwa/

We all know that these are the most popular! Whenever I meet a person with Polish last name and ask them if they know Polish…Their response is usually:”I know a little bit, but mostly the curse words…” So there you go! Some of the bad words you can use when you get really mad…assuming that no one around speaks Polish:)

8. How to congratulate someone on academic and career achievement?


You have a friend who just graduated college and is looking for a job. Great!He/she is Polish – how to congratulate on those great achievements? What kind of words to use? What would be appropriate? I’m sure you will know what to say…but just in case you need a little help…this Post will be a huge help!

9. How to say Easter wishes in Polish


IMage found on http://macaulay.cuny.edu/eportfolios/rosenbergspring2011/polish-easter-traditions/

Sending an easter card to Poland? Spending Easter with Polish folks? This post will definitely come in handy!

10. Happy Mother’s Day! Dzień Matki


Who is more important in the world than a mother? I think fathers are as important! But for the mother’s day you may find some great ideas by reading this blog!

Here you go! Top 10 of the year!

May the the 2016 be as goos, or better, than 2015! Happy New Year! Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!


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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.