Polish Language Blog

Archive for 'Nature'

Listopad by Jan Brzechwa Posted by on Nov 29, 2015

Autumn in Poland begins in September and since it is preceded by summer, it is usually still a little bit warm and sunny at the beginning. But this is short lived as it gradually turns colder and foggy by November. There is something about autumn in Poland with landscapes beautifully adorned with falling, colorful leaves…

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“Pokochaj jesień” by Tadeusz Karasiewicz Posted by on Sep 30, 2015

Autumn (jesień) is probably my favorite time of the year…I love warm days, but cooler mornings. Love to sit on the deck and have coffee in the morning, looking at the beautiful  colors of the nature:) Fall in Poland is amazing! Colors are beautiful…and it reminds me a lot about home, apple picking ( I…

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Koniec lata – end of the summer Posted by on Aug 31, 2015

Summer went by so fast…And now it’s back to school time. I still enjoy beautiful weather here in New Hampshire and will still take couple of nice trips to the ocean.. Today I found a beautiful Polish poem about end of the summer (although I was not able to find the name of the author)…

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The senses in Polish Posted by on Jul 2, 2015

You have 5 senses – sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. Masz 5 zmysłów – wzrok, zapach, dźwięk, smak i dotyk. Each one of them is really important in your everyday life. Każdy z nich jest naprawdę ważny w życiu codziennym. You use at least one of your five senses every moment of every day and…

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Life is so short..you just never know…Życie jest takie krótkie…nigdy nie wiadomo… Posted by on Apr 29, 2015

Life is so short (życie jest takie krótkie)…We all know about it. You should never take anything for granted… So many of my close friends have passed away unexpectedly within last months. People, I thought I will share life with for a long time…But you just never know (ale nigdy nie wiadomo)! You get upset…

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Waiting for the spring…it will come Posted by on Feb 28, 2015

Don’t get me wrong…I like winter. I love skiing, snow shoeing and all kinds of winter sports. But living in New Hampshire, I wish we would only have 4 months of winter…not 6 or 7! We’ve been getting a lot of snow within last 2 months…and it doesn’t stop!  I think by now…I’m ready for…

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How to survive cold winter – useful Polish vocabulary Posted by on Jan 8, 2015

Winter ( zima) is back, and it’s colder than ever. Coupled with snow (śnieg), dry air (suche powietrze), sickness (choroba), and everything else that comes with winter, it’s shaping up to be pretty rough. Here are different ways to keep yourself sane during this bleak season. 1. Stay active, even in the cold! Bądź aktywny, nawet…

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