Portuguese Language Blog

Brazilian Recipes – Comida Vegetariana Posted by on Mar 14, 2011 in Uncategorized

So I’ve been a vegetarian for about… 5 days. And it’ll last another 35, as I’ve given up meat for lent.  But in order to take this on for a person who loves meat and lives in a country that loves meat, I’ve been looking up a few fun vegetarian recipes that are not only yummy, but that are inexpensive and provide me with the nutrients I need!

I came across quite a few recipes and sites.  This weekend I’ve already made Vegan Brownies (which were actually really good!), and this week, since it’s been raining and “chilly,” I’ve decided to make soup and found this recipe for a sopa, that’s SO Brazilian while at the same time, very vegetarian! Throughout the next few weeks, I’ll try to post the best recipes I find/make that are easy to find ingredients for in Brazil and abroad!

Creme de Feijão Branco, Abóbora, Cebola & Cenoura


  • Azeite
  • Meio quilo de feijão branco (não esquecer de deixar de molho por um dia)
  • Meio quilo de abóbora
  • 1 cebola grande
  • 4 dentes de alho amassados
  • 1 punhado de sal marinho
  • 3 cenouras cortadas aos bocados
  • 1 punhado de salsa fresca cortadinha
  • Água à gosto
  • 1 colher de sopa de paprika
  • 1 colher de sobremesa de gengibre em pó
  • 2 colheres de sopa de polpa de tomate

Na panela eléctrica, colocar feijão branco (depois de uma noite de molho), abóbora, cebola, alhos, azeite, salsa, e cenouras. Cortar tudo em pedacinhos e colocar para dentro da panela. Colocar um sal marinho a gosto.

Depois de já estar tudo já meio cozido, juntar duas colheres de sopa de polpa de tomate, 1 colher de sopa de paprika e uma colher de sobremesa de gengibre em pó.

Acompanhar com pão e com couve salteada com alho e azeite. Bom apetite!

Super easy and healthy and sounds yummy for a rainy night, doesn’t it?!

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