Tag Archives: bolsonaro
2021 Highlights Posted by carol on Dec 20, 2021

Olá, prezados leitores! So here we are again, ready to ring in the ano novo (new year). The past few years have been quite unstable and unpredictable. But one thing is for sure: our retrospectiva with the year’s highlights. That’s right, time to look back on the main facts and events that left a lasting…
Amazonas is overwhelmed by Covid Posted by carol on Feb 11, 2021

A lot aconteceu (has happened) since the first surto (outbreak) of the new coronavirus in early 2020. The doença (disease) that we knew little about it a year ago is now incorporated into our everyday existence. As of mid-February 2021, about 106 million people have contracted the virus, and just over 2 million and 300,000…
Coronavirus in Brazil Posted by carol on Apr 24, 2020

Boa tarde a todos! Good afternoon, everyone! Regardless of which country you live, the medidas (measures) for preventing the new coronavirus seem to be the same everywhere: social distance, reduced services and businesses, basic personal hygiene, quarantine if not lockdown. These measures were suggested by the World Health Organization and there is already overwhelming evidence…
Portuguese reading practice: Olavo de Carvalho and the coronavirus Posted by carol on Feb 29, 2020

Olá, pessoal! Hello, everybody! February is drawing to an end and I must say I’m growing a little tired of this ceaseless coronavirus talk (and by that I mostly mean the desinformation around it). However, since the topic seems to be unavoidable, we might as well embrace it with a little humour. So our Portuguese…
Why was the Brazilian Special Secretary for Culture removed from office? Posted by carol on Jan 31, 2020

Bom dia, pessoal! Good morning, you guys! Perhaps you may find it contradictory that a country so racially diverse like our own could possibly have residents who would show any trace of sympathy for neo-Nazi ideologies. Well, as strange as it sounds, this movement has gained some visibility especially since the last elections. This bizarre…
Retrospectiva 2019 Posted by carol on Dec 31, 2019

Boa noite, caros leitores! Good evening, dear readers! Como foi o ano de vocês? How has your year been? The Brazilian people are known for their joy, but in 2019 this character trait was put to the test. This is mostly due to the fact that it has been quite a tough year, with a…
Portuguese reading practice: Eduardo Bolsonaro and the Brazilian Embassy Posted by carol on Jul 31, 2019

Saudações a todos! Greetings to all! In your opinion, what does it take to become an Embaixador (Ambassador)? Long-term experience? An in-depth conhecimento (knowledge) of the language and culture of the country? A solid background in diplomatic relations? Well, according to president Jair Bolsonaro, all it takes is to be related to him. Even better…