Tag Archives: where to go brazil
Brazilian states – Rio Grande do Norte Posted by carol on Jun 30, 2021

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! If you have been keeping up with our series about the Estados brasileiros (Brazilian states), you might remember Rio Grande do Sul, terra do churrasco (land of barbecue) and chimarrão. But did you know that we have another state with a similar name in the opposite end of the…
Brazilian states: Distrito Federal Posted by carol on May 24, 2021

Bom dia, queridos leitores! It has happened to me many times. When I go about telling people that I’m from Brazil, quite a few of them tell me they’d love to visit its capital, Rio de Janeiro. Wait, what? Well, though Rio is undoubtely the most popular city here, its capital is actually Brasília! This…
Brazilian states: Paraíba Posted by carol on Jan 29, 2021

Bom dia, amigos leitores! Good morning, readers! Today we will move forward with our series on estados brasileiros (Brazilian states). With vinte e sete (27) federative units that make up our country, we reached number 14 in our texts. To celebrate this milestone, we will talk about the state of Paraíba, which is located in…
Brazilian states: Santa Catarina Posted by carol on Dec 23, 2020
Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, readers! What comes to mind when you think about about Brazilian praias (beaches)? I bet you must have thought of Rio de Janeiro or even some other city in northeastern Brazil, but have you heard of the city of Florianópolis? If you haven’t, não se preocupem (don’t worry), because today’s text…
Brazilian states: Goiás Posted by carol on Aug 10, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Today we are moving forward with our series on estados brasileiros (Brazilian states). To celebrate reaching the 10th text on the theme, let’s focus on a place that permeates popular Brazilian song imaginary: the state of Goiás. Located in the central-west region, right next to the federal district where…
Brazilian states: Ceará Posted by carol on May 31, 2020

Sol (sun), calor (warm weather), mar (ocean), montanhas (mountains), falésias (cliffs), comida fresca e saborosa (fresh and tasty food), pessoas acolhedoras (kind people). For many, these are the perfect ingredients for great férias (holidays), and they can all be found in state of Ceará. Back to our series in which we explore the estados brasileiros…