Portuguese Language Blog

The Word “America” Posted by on Nov 1, 2007 in Uncategorized

Have you ever referred to the USA as ‘America’ in front of a Brazilian?

If you have, then you have also undoubtedly heard something like this: “Você acha que na America só cabe um pais?” (you think the United States is the only country in America?)

As a citizen of the United States, I made this ‘mistake’ many times. In fact I haven’t quite gotten in the habit of avoiding the word when speaking with Brazilians.

Outside of the United States, it is commonly considered a mark of our country’s arrogance that we refer to ourselves as ‘Americans’ and our country as ‘America.’ I think much of the problem is that the same word, America/n, has two very different meanings. Outside of the US, it is used as a geographical term; someone born in North or South America is an American, America is the entire landmass. For US citizens, the term has a different literal meaning that has to do with assimilating into the culture of the US.

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  1. David:

    Interesting point to remember…Just out of curiosity, what do do Brazilians call Americans (meaning US Citizens) if they don’t call the country America?

  2. rrgg:

    Canadians whine about this too, and I never understand it. No US citizen *EVER* says “American” to imply that the US is the only country.

    If Brazilians and Canadians really think American means someone from the continents, why don’t they ever refer to themselves as Americans?

  3. Jay:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t Brazilians refer to people from the USA as “Americano/Americana?”

    I think the America/American reference evolved from the fact that America is in the name of the country, and is much easier stated than “United States of America.”

    Related to this, is the argument I have had with my German cousin who is taught that America is one continent (while Eurasia is two). I told him I am proud to be in the same continent as Brazil!

  4. Montero:

    One question to the administrator:

    In the USA:

    Are you guys taught that Columbus discovered your country on October 12, 1492?

    In October 12, 1992, Did you celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of your country?

    Here there are some videos of Youtube and other links to ilustrate my point:



