Tag Archives: news
A Practical Guide to the Coronavirus Pandemic in Spanish Posted by Anais on Apr 30, 2020

If you have been reading some of my previous posts, you may be familiar with the most popular newspapers in Spanish and practiced your language skills by checking them daily. Another thing you have surely noticed is that coronavirus has been the main subject on all media since months. In this post, you will find…
Spanish Words that Defined 2019 Posted by Karoly Molina on Feb 20, 2020

As I was looking around the website of the Real Academia Española or RAE, I came across a very interesting news item about the Spanish words that defined 2019. In this post, I will explore some of the words and include information as to why these were picked. La selección The words that defined 2019 were…
Most Read Newspapers in Spanish (Part 2) Posted by Anais on Dec 10, 2019

In this post I will continue my short list of the most read newspapers written in Spanish, be it from Spain or Latin America. It is worth noticing that most of the media I have been showing you since my previous article has well-developed websites or even online editions that can be accessed for free…
Most Read Newspapers in Spanish (Part I) Posted by Anais on Nov 25, 2019

From its beginning, the press has represented a driving force for countries all around the world, no matter in which way they inform or entertain their public. Be it in print or online, newspapers have the power to raise awareness concerning issues that affect several or all social groups. To do so, journalists and publishers…
Pollution in Mexico City Posted by Karoly Molina on May 16, 2019

If you have ever flown into Mexico City, you have unfortunately seen the ugly thick layer of smog that covers it. Air pollution is something that has been plaguing Mexico City for many years now, and while there have been some efforts to diminish it, the air is just filthy. This week, the pollution levels…
Fuel Shortage in Mexico Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 31, 2019

People in Mexico began 2019 with an unexpected challenge: fuel shortages. Gas stations around the country were suddenly short on the gasolina that people needed. For a country that is highly dependent on personal cars, the desabasto or shortage meant people couldn’t get to work. What caused this shortage of gas? How did the government deal with…
Airplane Crash in Mexico Posted by Karoly Molina on Aug 2, 2018

This week, a plane flying from the city of Durango to Mexico City crashed and caught on fire shortly after take off. Afortunadamente everyone survived. But what exactly happened that caused the plane to crash? Poco antes de las 4:00 pm, the Aeroméxico airplane took off under extreme weather conditions. Reports from the torre de control verify…