Agnetha Fältskog-Doktorn Posted by Tibor on Dec 7, 2010 in Swedish Language, Vocabulary
Do you remember Agnetha from ABBA? Of course you do. But have you heard her singing in Swedish? Here is this song (in Swedish with the English translation) from 1975. I haven´t succeeded in finding a live performance or a video to this song but if you do, please link me to it. So I can update the blog post. But I doubt that there is any video.
Doktorn, jag är fast i en vana (Doctor I am stuck with a habit)
Ja, ingen kan ana vad jag har det svårt, (Yes, no one can suspect the troubles I have)
Ni hypnotiserar folk mot laster (You hypnotize people with vices)
Det sa min faster som pimplade port, (So my aunty told me who tippled port)
Nu måste jag få en tid. (Now, I have got to get an appointment)
Åh snälla Doktorn, mmm Doktorn, (Oh please Doctor, mmm Doctor)
Hjärtat slår, kan inte gå i trappor en gång, (My heart is pounding I can´t even walk the stairs,)
Doktorn, mmm Doktorn, (Doctor, mmm Doctor,)
Kanske det har gått för långt, (Maybe it has gone too far,)
Åh Doktorn! (Oh Doctor)
Har försökt dra ner konsumptionen (I have tried to reduce my consumption)
Men situationen har blivit prekär, (But the situation has become precarious)
Förr i världen räkte ett i veckan (It used to be enough with one per week)
Nu blir det minst två om dan ungefär, (Now it is about two per day at least)
Jag är nog ett hopplöst fall. (I am probably a hopeless case.)
Men snälla Doktorn, mmm Doktorn, (But please Doctor, mmm Doctor)
Har försökt med snask men jag blev tjock som en gris, (I have tried sweets but I got fat as a pig)
Doktorn, mmm Doktorn, (Doctor, mmm Doctor)
Snälla hjälp mig på nåt vis, (Please help me somehow,)
Åh Doktorn! (Oh Doctor!)
Ständigt så vaknar begäret igen (Constantly the craving starts again)
Och då måste jag bara ha,(and I got to just have it)
Men när jag darrande tänt ännu en (But when I am tremblingly lit another one)
Känns det bra, mmm. (It feels good, mmm.)
Hundratals har slutat att röka (Hundreds have quit smoking)
Som fått försöka på Doktorns klinik, (who has tried at Doctor´s clinic)
Mitt begär är inte cigaretter (My craving is not cigarettes)
Och inte tabletter, jag är nog unik, (and not tablets, I am probably unique,)
Men gör ett försök ändå. (But give a try anyway)
Jag ber Er, Doktorn, mmm Doktorn, (I ask You Doctor, mmm Doctor)
Ta Er an mitt fall så jag kan hoppas igen, (Take my case so I can have hope again)
Doktorn, mmm Doktorn, (Doctor, mmm Doctor)
Snälla vänj mig av med män, (Please help me with quitting men)
Åh Doktorn! (Oh Doctor!)
Snälla Doktorn, åh Doktorn! (Please Doctor, oh Doctor!)

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Hej! I had never heard this song. I love Abba!
Dennis Anderson:
The last 2 verses are left off. In the last verse she says what she is addicted to. It is…
There is a video of her singing another song from the same album at
Hi guys!
Marta! If you are a fan it must be a “guldkorn”.
Dennis! Thank you for your sthe video! Good work. And yes the last verse is missing. I will try to update it as soon as I have time. Promise!
I like this song and I love ABBA
being 26 in 1975 Agnetha was the perfect girl in my eyes
along with Michelle Phillips of Mamas and Papas