Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Riksdagen Drama: Non-Confidence Vote Vocab Posted by Chelsea B on Jun 25, 2021

Tensions rose earlier this week as the Swedish parliament made history. They voted to oust Stefan Löfven, current Prime Minister and party leader of the Social Democrats. The hot topic? Rent control. With only a few days left to plan his next move, and the Swedish government in a shaky position, what better time than…
Celebrate Pride with Swedish Queer Vocabulary Posted by Chelsea B on Jun 18, 2021

June is recognized as Pride Month all around the world. With Sweden’s long progressive stance on gay rights, it’s no surprise that Swedes host more Pride celebrations per capita than any country in the world. From rainbow-painted park benches and crosswalks in cities like Malmö and Göteborg to the Stockholm Pride parade drawing half a…
Swedish Verb Roulette Featuring “201 Swedish Verbs” Posted by Chelsea B on May 21, 2021

“There’s this super amazing book… I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but it’s called ‘201 Swedish Verbs’ and it’s really great!” Numerous times have these left the peppy lips of my Swedish students. And if you’ve done any searching for Swedish reference material, you’ve most definitely seen this title – many of you…
Musikblogg: Swedish – Icelandic Collabo for Oscars Posted by Chelsea B on May 6, 2021

Whales, commercial fishing, northern lights, and a parody film based on the Eurovision song contest. All of these things are connected to the small town of Húsavík in northern Iceland, but the latter is garnering some extra attention after last week’s Oscars. Swedish pop goddess Molly Sandén performed the song “Húsavík (My Hometown),” nominated for…
Waffle Day featuring Nordic Food Geek Patrice Johnson Posted by Chelsea B on Mar 26, 2021

Crispy and crunchy on the outside, soft in the middle, the waffle is a triumph. It’s no wonder that Scandinavians pay homage to this breakfast-meets-lunch delicacy with its own holiday, Våffeldagen! For today’s blog, we’ll learn the linguistically mixed-up origins of Våffeldagen OCH grab some waffle-inspo from the Nordic Food Geek herself, Patrice Johnson. She…
Find the Fel – Proofreading Test in Swedish Posted by Chelsea B on Aug 28, 2020

Is there a Coronavirus mask mandate in Sweden? Let’s do an exercise while we find out! In today’s blog, we’ll put our Swedish proofreading to the test using an 8 Sidor article that I’ve altered to include mistakes. First, let’s review some vocabulary for your comprehension. These terms are the ones we’re all using to…
Midsommar: Blommor or Bust! Posted by Chelsea B on Jun 24, 2020

Glad midsommar allihopa / Happy Midsommar everyone! I’ll admit, I’m a little late because midsommar was last week but because it is one of the most popular holidays in Sweden, this wouldn’t be a Swedish blog without a nod to midsommar. An ode to nature and all things summery, Swedes leave cities in droves to…