Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Baba Ghanouj, the Syrian Recipe Posted by on Apr 17, 2017

In a previous post, I presented the recipe for the Egyptian style Baba Ghanouj (بابا غنوج), which is based on aubergine and tahini. Today, I present the recipe for Baba Ghanouj, the Syrian way. The video and photo are from Sham Al-Assil channel (شام الاصيل). المقادير: 2 حبة باذنجان كبير للشوي 3 ملاعق كبيرة فلفل…

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Special Arabic Occasions: What they are, What to Do and Say in them? Posted by on Apr 15, 2017

Happy Eid!

Certain linguistic expressions are associated with specific cultural and religious occasions. For example, “Happy Easter!”, “Joyeuses Pâques!”, and “Frohe Ostern!” are expressions said in special occasions in English; French; and German, respectively. Among the most culturally celebrated, congratulation-invoking, and religiously observed occasions among Arabs (and Muslims) are Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-AdhHa, Ramadhan, and Friday of…

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Arabic Graffiti Posted by on Apr 14, 2017

Graffiti (الغرافيتي) is the art of writing and drawing on walls. It usually serves to deliver a social or political message. The art is very common in the Arab world where social and political problems affect the lives of millions and where the freedom of expression margin is very narrow. I remember as a child…

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Hospitality Politics in the Arab world: ‘Bas Ma-shrebti Shi!’ Posted by on Apr 5, 2017

As is the case with most cultures all over the world, people tend to attach a specific social meaning to food. However, food has a far more special place in the Arab world. In addition to being symbolic of hospitality, serving food and eating together is a social ritual and plays a huge role…

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What do you think the Arabic saying ‘Ala Al-barakah’ means? Posted by on Mar 29, 2017

There are many phrases in Arabic that not only have cultural connotations, but also direct religious ones. The Arabic phrase we are going to look at today is ‘Ala Al-Barakah’ على البركه , which means ‘By God’s blessings’. The word ‘barakah’ literally means “blessing” and “increase in something”. In the Arab Muslim world, the…

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Somalia Market Listening_1 Posted by on Mar 27, 2017

In this post, I present the answers of the listening exercise on the news story on Somalia Market in Dubai. Transcription of the story: محال الذهب والقماش، مقاه وفنادق وشركات استيراد وتصدير تصطف جنبًا الى جنب في هذا السوق المكتظ المعروف بسوق الصومال. جميع الباعة وأصحاب المحال هنا من الجنسية الصومالية. هذا المشهد ليس في…

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Somalia Market Listening Posted by on Mar 26, 2017

Listen to the news story on Somalia Market in Dubai and answer the questions that follow.   You can use the vocabulary items provided to support your comprehension Answer the following questions in English: What sort of businesses you can find in Somalia Market? How is the market described? Where is the market located? What…

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