Arabic Language Blog

Listening Comprehension Answers: Arabic and Technology Posted by on Mar 24, 2016 in Arabic Language, Culture, Pronunciation, Vocabulary

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How did you do in the last listening comprehension exercise about Arabic and Technology? Some considerable number of academic and educated Arabs do really think that there is a threat to the Arabic language because of the impact of globalization and the domination of the English language from one side and the domination of different Arabic dialects from the other. However, I myself don’t share the same opinion. Sure there must be greater efforts to integrate the Arabic language into technological applications. This happens but in a slow motion.

    Anyway, here are the answers to the comprehension questions. Remember that there is no one correct answer to these questions raised in the exercise as the answers depend on personal opinions and judgments. To view the questions again, kindly click here.

الإجــابــات Answers

تعتبر اللغة العربية لغة مهمة  لأنها تجسّدت في أذهان البشر منذ آلاف السنوات، و ساعدت في تأسيس العلوم و الثقافات التي بُنيت عليها التكنولوجيا في يومنا الحالي.     

1) Arabic is considered an important language because it was personified in the minds of humans for thousands of years and helped in the foundation of sciences and cultures that our present technology is built on.

أنا لا أعتقد أنَّ التكنولوجيا الحديثة تهدد وجود اللغة العربية، و ذلك لأن اللغة العربية حاضرة فى كل الأماكن بما فيها الأماكن العلمية و التعليمية و كذلك فى التطبيقات التكنولوجية.   

2) I don’t think that modern technology threatens the existence of Arabic because the language is present everywhere around us including all scientific and educational places as well as in technological applications.

حتى فى ظل العصر الرقمي الذي نعيش فيه، أنا أعتقد أنَّ الطريقة التقليدية فى الكتابة (بالورقة و القلم) ستظل مستمرة كسلاح فى أيدى الأطفال و ذلك لأن الكتابة التقليدية لا غنى عنها فى كل وقت و في كل مكان، كما أنَّ الخط العربي أصبح فناً رفيعاً له متخصصين و مدارس تقوم بتدريسه لما له من جمال و تفرد.    

3) Even in the digital age we live in, I am sure that the traditional way or writing (using paper and pen) will continue as a weapon in the hands of children because the traditional way of writing is indispensable any time and everywhere. Moreover, the Arabic calligraphy has become a fine art with its specialists and schools that teach it with its beauty and uniqueness.

فوائد الطريقة التقليدية فى الكتابة باستخدام الورقة و القلم تكمن فى وجود مراكز حسية فى اصابع اليد و التى عند الكتابة بالقلم تبعث باشارات للدماغ مما يحفز قدرة الطالب على الاستيعاب و الحفظ و التكرار  استرجاع المعلومات.   

4) The benefits of the traditional way of writing using paper and pen lie in the presence of sensing centers in the fingers of the hand that when writing with a pen send signals to the brain which in turn activates the student’s ability to understand, memorize, repeat and retrieve information.

تكمنُ مشكلة اللغة العربية مع التكنولوجيا فى عدم قدرة الانسان العربي على أن يُطوع اللغة العربية لكى تكون صالحة لهذا الزمان، و هى ليست مشكلة اللغة نفسها.  

5) The problem between Arabic and technology arise from the inability of the Arab human to find applications of Arabic in order to cope with the age and this is not the problem of the language itself.

يمكن للتكنولوجيا أن تساعد على استمرارية اللغة العربية فى حياتنا اليومية عن طريق اختراع أجهزة و برامج و تطبيقات تستخدم اللغة العربية و تساعد على تعلمها.  

6) Technology can help the continuity of Arabic in our daily life through the invention of interesting devices, programs and applications that use Arabic and that help learn it.

يلجأ الطلبة (الطلاب) إلى استخدام التطبيقات الأجنبية فى تعلمهم بسبب توافر عنصر المتعة و التشويق و هو ما لا يتوافر باللغة العربية.   

7) Students resort to foreign applications in their learning because of the fun and excitement available in such applications, a thing that is not available in Arabic.   

وجه الضعف الذى تسعى الشركات العربية و الأجنبية لتحسينه و تطويره فى أجهزتها و تطبيقاتها هو شكل الخط العربي التقليدي الذي تعودناه.   

8) The weakness that Arab and foreign companies seek to improve and develop in their devices and applications is the form of the traditional Arabic font that we are accustomed to.

النصيحة التى يقدمها التقرير هى “اكتبْ بالعربي”.  

9) The advice that the report gives is; “Write in Arabic”.

تــرجــمــة الــجــمــلــة إلــى الــلــغــة الإنــجــلــيــزيــة:

10) Translation of the sentence into English:

 ” اللغة العربية لغة تجسدت فى أذهان البشر منذ آلاف السنوات، و ساعدت فى تأسيس العلوم و الثقافة التى بُنيت عليها التكنولوجيا فى يومنا الحالي.”  

“The Arabic language is a language that was personified in the human minds thousands of years ago. It helped in the foundation of sciences and cultures that our present technology is built on.”

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Arabic Calligraphy via Facebook



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Peace ســلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.


  1. Andy:

    I’m glad you say that “there is no one correct answer to these questions raised in the exercise as the answers depend on personal opinions and judgments”, as many of the points this speaker makes are part of the problem (if there is a problem), not solutions to it.

    I think when the speaker says “وجه الضعف الذى تسعى الشركات العربية و الأجنبية لتحسينه و تطويره فى أجهزتها و تطبيقاتها هو شكل الخط العربي التقليدي الذي تعودناه” he must be referring to the problems of adapting Arabic (and some other major non Western languages) to the epub format, which is being solved. I don’t think he means “traditional fonts”, which would suggest somehow that complex fonts like Kufic were standing in the way of progress.

    By the way, تجسدت would be “formed” or “shaped”, rather than “personified”. This latter word would mean instead that a person or persons somehow represented/symbolised the development of the language.

    • Fisal:

      @Andy Thank you very much, Andy for the nice comment. You are right for sure 🙂