Archive for March, 2021
Zondag Met Lubach: The End of a Dutch TV Show Era Posted by Sten on Mar 29, 2021

Yesterday night was the last episode of the razend populair (extremely popular) comedy TV program Zondag met Lubach. Much like the American The Daily Show, Zondag met Lubach took news and “remixed” it into a satirical show. But now it’s over! Here’s what the show was like. Why does Zondag met Lubach stop? Since its inception in 2014, the show enjoyed a…
What’s Dutch About the Dutch Act? Posted by Sten on Mar 26, 2021

Let’s revisit the “Dutch”-terms series today. There are many curious words in English that in some way refer to the Dutch. Here we find out what’s Dutch (or not) about them. We might get a little dark here – we talk about the Dutch act today. What is a Dutch act? The Dutch act, quite…
Dutch Idioms 19 – Eggs Make It Easy Posted by Sten on Mar 24, 2021

Welcome to yet another post in our series on Dutch idioms! Today, I want to take a closer look at two pretty weird ones, and they’re both related to eggs. Without further ado, here’s the first for today: the spreekwoord (saying). For other idioms in this series, click here. Dat is een eitje! Literally: That’s a…
What Do You Call A Female Dutch Surgeon? Posted by Sten on Mar 19, 2021

Languages often have three genders – male, female and neuter. And most often, the male form is the standard one. However, there are many situations in which you want the feminine form instead. Especially when you’re talking about people and their profession, hobbies and passions. So how do female endings work in Dutch, and when…
How The Dutch Elections Work Posted by Sten on Mar 15, 2021

On Wednesday, it’s time for new elections in the Netherlands! With 37 parties and hundreds of electable people, choosing a party and a person in that party can be daunting. So how do the Dutch make that choice? How does the Dutch voting system work? The Dutch have what’s called a parlementaire democratie (parliamentary democracy) with a meerpartijenstelsel…
Dutch Fillers Part 2 – 8 Very Common Dutch Stopwoorden Posted by Sten on Mar 11, 2021

So, yesterday we talked about why we actually use stopwoorden (fillers). And while we explained there why we even use these stopwoorden, I want to give you a few very common Dutch stopwoorden and their meanings! Click here to read Dutch Fillers Part 1. 8 of the most often used fillers in Dutch, of zo Like…
Dutch Fillers Part 1 – Why do We Use Stopwoorden? Posted by Sten on Mar 10, 2021

So, you’ve tried to learn Dutch, right? Well, you know, there are words that make sentences unnecessarily long, right? Like, without them, you could, like, still say the same thing, you know, with fewer words. You can probably tell by now, I am talking about stopwoorden (“fill words”, fillers). We have them in Dutch, too! Here’s why…