Dutch Language Blog

How do you get Dutch Disease? Posted by on Jul 12, 2018

In this series of terms in English that contain “Dutch”, we look at the meaning of words and where the Dutch come in. Today, we look at a particular disease – the Dutch disease – and what the Dutch have to do with it. Let’s go! Check out other “Dutch”-terms posts here. Being sick the…

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Dutch Summers are For Grilling Posted by on Jul 11, 2018

The Netherlands-Belgium area has been experiencing a hittegolf or heatwave bringing temperatures to around 28 degrees Celcius which is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Each weekend, grocery stores and slagerijen are sold out (or almost) of all the delicious meats for barbecueën or grilling as well as sides and bread. Because grilling can vary a lot per country, I compiled…

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De Rode Duivels – Who Is The Belgian Team? Posted by on Jul 6, 2018

While the Dutch team did not qualify for the World Cup in 2018, but the Belgians did, just like in 2016. And just a few minutes ago, the Rode Duivels (the Red Devils) won from the world-class Brazilians! So what is this team? How can this small team play such good football? Let’s have a look! Belgium-Brazil: 2-1 The Rode…

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Environmental Projects in Netherlands and Belgium Posted by on Jul 4, 2018

One of the many things I like about living in the Netherlands is the care given to the environment. This care is for a variety of areas of the environment including protected areas, wildlife as well as pets. There are many projects throughout the country that have struck me as echt fantastisch and in this post, I…

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Doe de Groetjes! Posted by on Jul 2, 2018

Picture the following: You are op bezoek bij (visiting) your friend, and you start talking about these old mutual friends you have. It’s been years! And you will see them in just a few days! So your friend tells you: doe ze de groetjes van mij! (Say hi to them for me!). Sounds familiar? Not surprising. The Dutch like…

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Dutch Traffic: Why the stop sign is so rare in the Netherlands Posted by on Jun 28, 2018

Welcome to a new series here at the Dutch blog, discussing verkeerssituaties (traffic situations) and verkeersborden (traffic signs) in the Netherlands. Even though the verkeersregels (traffic rules) are not that different in the Netherlands, there are a few key differences. Today, we discuss why there are barely any stopborden (stop signs) in the Netherlands. Stop! As we know, a stopbord means that the approaching bestuurder (driver)…

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Music in Dutch: Ali B Posted by on Jun 27, 2018

Summer seems like the perfect time to listen to music in Dutch and practice the language on your way to your summer holiday. In this post, I would like to recommend the Dutch rapper Ali B. Ali B is a Dutch rapper of Moroccan descent who has taken the music scene by storm. He isn’t…

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