German Language Blog

Archive for 'News'

Anglicism of the Year 2021: Germans Made This English Word! Posted by on Feb 3, 2022

Covid Anglizismus, Anglicism, Anglicism of the year, anglizismus des jahres 2021

We’ve already talked about the German Wort des Jahres (word of the year) of 2021 and the German Unwort des Jahres (“non”-word of the year) 2021, as well as the Jugendwort des Jahres (youth word of the year). But there’s one more that I would like to discuss – the Anglizismus des Jahres (Anglicism of the year)! Anglizismen are…

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January 27: Commemorating the Holocaust Posted by on Jan 27, 2022

Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today is an important day in history. A großer Tag der Trauer (day of great sadness). On this day, 77 years ago, die Rote Armee (Red Army) liberated the Konzentrationslager (concentration camp) Auschwitz-Birkenau. Nothing could have prepared the Russian soldiers for what they found there. They liberated some 7000 ausgehungerte Überlebende (starved survivors), and found unimaginable amounts of remains of one of…

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German Unwort Des Jahres 2021 Posted by on Jan 26, 2022

unwort des jahres

At the end of every year, the GfdS (German Language Association) picks a word for its Wort des Jahres (Word of the Year). This is a word/topic that’s been highly discussed and prevalent in German society in the year just gone. You can read about the German Wort des Jahres 2021 here. But another ‘word of the year’ also gets picked…

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What’s Your Favorite Look Back? Jahresrückblicke in Germany Posted by on Dec 31, 2021

Jahresrückblicke German end-of-year review year in review

It’s the very last day of the year, and in Germany, that’s a great time to look back on the previous year. Today, and the last few days, were once again filled with so-called Jahresrückblicke (m, end-of-year reviews). Here’s a few that you can watch yourself! Looking back at an eventful year Jahresrückblicke in Germany exist for…

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German Word Of The Year 2021 Posted by on Dec 30, 2021


Guten Tag! Today we will look at the Wort des Jahres in Germany. Each year, the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) – The German Language Association – picks a word as their Wort des Jahres – ‘Word of the Year’. This is often a word related to a prominent topic in the country during the year, and is usually interesting from…

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Austrian Word Of The Year 2021 Posted by on Dec 15, 2021

word of the year

Guten Tag! It’s coming to that time of year when each country reveals its Wort des Jahres – its ‘Word of the Year’! What is the Word of the Year? The Wort des Jahres is voted in each year by a jury (die Jury), usually made up of linguists (der Sprachwissenschaftler: linguist) and people from…

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Die Impfpflicht comes to Germany – but how do you say that? Posted by on Dec 10, 2021

Corona Impfpflicht pronouncing how to say COVID German bundestag

While we wrote about it almost a year ago, it seems like it is finally happening now: The German Bundestag voted for a specific Impfpflicht (f, vaccination mandate) today – the first law passed by the new Ampelkoalition (f, traffic light coalition)!. This affects first and foremost die Pflegekräfte (caregivers) in places like nursing homes and…

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