Tag Archives: children
Germany’s Youth Word 2020 Posted by Constanze on Jan 6, 2021

Guten Tag! Every year, the Langenscheidt dictionary selects a word it calls the Jugendwort des Jahres – Germany’s Youth Word of the Year. This is separate from the Wort des Jahres (Word of the Year), also picked by Langenscheidt. For the Jugendwort des Jahres, people have the opportunity to vote from a selection of shortlisted…
German School & Childcare Names Posted by Constanze on Sep 16, 2020

Guten Tag! As schools are starting up again, I thought it’d be good to give you a run-down of words used in the German school and childcare system. I hope you find this list useful, and that it will clear up any confusion you may have around some of the names (for example: what’s the…
How Germans Trick Or Treat Quite Differently Posted by Sten on Nov 14, 2019

Last Sunday, I was having dinner with my brothers and sisters. Since winter nears, it was already pitch black outside – and suddenly the doorbell rang. Who’s that? My brother opened the Tür (door), young, high Stimmen (voices) began to sing, and we looked at each other in horror – we forgot the Süßigkeiten (candy)!…
Eine Gute-Nacht-Geschichte Posted by Sten on Apr 30, 2018

If you have Kinder (children), you know what it is like: Ich will noch nicht ins Bett! (I don’t want to go to sleep yet!) Of course, I am talking about Kinder, die noch nicht schlafen wollen (Children that do not yet want to go to sleep). And what do you tell them? A Gute-Nacht-Geschichte (good-night story). Here’s a very short…
A Unique German Way To Say It’s Snowing Posted by Constanze on Feb 7, 2018

Guten Tag! Is it snowing where you live? For me, there’s nothing better than that moment of seeing snow outside and exclaiming Es schneit! to whoever will listen. Today I’d like to give you a very different way of saying ‘It’s snowing’ in German. Frau Holle schüttelt ihre Betten aus A unique way of saying…
German First Names: Then & Now Posted by Constanze on Jun 14, 2017

Guten Tag! Today I thought I’d cover the interesting topic of German Vornamen (first names). When you think of German names, which ones spring immediately to mind? Helga? Hermann? Greta? These are classic examples of stereotypical German names – but are babies still given these names in Germany today? In this post I’ll give the…
Father’s Day In Germany Posted by Constanze on May 24, 2017

Hallo! Tomorrow, Thursday May 25th, is Father’s Day in Germany. In the UK (and perhaps in your country, too), Father’s Day is generally a family-centred event, where children bring their fathers cards and gifts, or maybe let them have the day off by doing their chores for them. Fathers tend to stay home and relax…