Transparent Language Blog

Archive for November, 2013

5 Reasons Why Language Learners Should Focus on Vocabulary Posted by on Nov 25, 2013 in Archived Posts

vocabulary depth

“While without grammar little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” – David Wilkins New language learners may assume that learning grammar is more important than learning vocabulary. Can you really learn a language if you’re unfamiliar with sentence structure, verb conjugation, noun-adjective agreement, and so on? If you want to reach advanced…

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What the Flip? Transparent Language Unveils New Teacher Authoring Tools for Flipped Language Classrooms at ACTFL Posted by on Nov 20, 2013 in Company News, For Educators

Hey, foreign language teachers! We’re hoping to see all of you at ACTFL this year, where we’ll be unveiling some of our newest and best features to date: list and lesson authoring. You’ve probably heard about the wonders of the flipped classroom model by now. If not, you can get up to speed with this…

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Flip Your Language Classroom the Right Way Posted by on Nov 18, 2013 in For Educators

flipped language classroom

The flipped classroom model is turning the education world on its head. (See what we did there?) Essentially, students listen to traditional lectures not in class, but in videos that they watch independently. In doing so, teachers can free up class time for more interactive learning activities.  So, why wouldn’t every teacher do so? Here’s…

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“Itchy Feet” Chronicles: Fear and Courgettes Posted by on Nov 13, 2013 in Archived Posts

Malachi Rempen is an American filmmaker, author, photographer, and cartoonist. Born in Switzerland, raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he fled Los Angeles after film school and expatted it in France, Morocco, Italy, and now Berlin, Germany, where he lives with his Italian fiancée. Itchy Feet is his weekly cartoon chronicle of travel, language learning, and life…

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How To Enjoy Reading In A Foreign Language, Even When You Can’t Read That Language! Posted by on Nov 11, 2013 in Archived Posts

In my “Late Life Language Learning” series I was thinking mostly of older folks – like me – who might have been intimidated – as I was – at the thought of learning a language.  But starting here I’m shifting gears. I’ll begin to cover ideas, thoughts, and experiences that are relevant to any language learner…

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Spice It Up! Five Quick and Simple Language Learning Recipes Posted by on Nov 6, 2013 in Archived Posts

Guest Post by Sam from Lingholic. (If you missed his last guest post on language learning habits, you’re missing out!) Would you eat the exact same meal every day? I bet you wouldn’t. You’d get fed up pretty quickly and look for something else. Why would language learning be any different? Learning a language is all…

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“Yes, It’s Time To Do This”: How a Native American Tribe is Preserving its Language With Technology Posted by on Nov 4, 2013 in Company News

When I first started thinking about working on Koasati, I realize now, I knew nothing. I knew Koasati was a living language spoken by the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, and the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas. I knew that the majority of Coushatta people once spoke the language, but it now had fewer than 500 speakers…

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